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[Filter: Hades]

I was paid a visit recently. It put some things into a new light, lets say.

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enosichthon [userpic]

Seems all I hear about these days are those Norse apes. Your pictures are all over the place. Hadn't seen the movie yet. Was it any good?

Triton, think you can babysit for a few days? Though, I'm hardly going to give you an option one way or the other. Chelsea thinks she's old enough to date. Daughter of a raging sea god, you think she'd learn. There's no such thing as dating.

Current Mood: busy
enosichthon [userpic]

School should be over. Which means the brat has gone into reading stupid shit for the summer. Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters? She couldn't come up with a worse slap then that? I thought I taught her better than that.

Maybe it is a shame I broke her mother. I had somewhere else to ship her off after school let out.

Current Mood: bitchy
Denise Stephens ₪ Ariadne [userpic]

You know, once you get past the age of 21, birthdays become a lot less fun.

I won't lie. I wish Nina and Jonah could be here.

Current Mood: lonely
Arrival 2.0 The slightly less hostile version

Okay here's the deal. I'm going to give this group thing a chance. But I have a few conditions:

1. Do not call me "Athena". If you have to have a name, you can call me Pete.
2. Stop trying to sell me on this whole past life/being a god nonsense. I won't rain on your parades, if you don't rain on mine.

Okay, so I want to know who this is and what you want with me. Obviously, you’re some tech-heavy underground group, because I have never seen coding like this before. And I’ve played inside some very intricate software.

So just to be clear, unless you plan on offering me a lot of money, I’m not interested in being recruited to whatever this is. I pick my own career. So if that ruins your plans, then too bad. Stop hounding me.

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