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Back March 4th, 2013 Forward
metemmods [userpic]
Activity Results, Announcements and Plotting Post

OK, and the check deadline is passed!

The following characters have been moved to Standby either due to lack of sufficient activity and/or by failing to report their activity:

King Arthur Pendragon

The following characters are being removed from the game due to an unexcused lack of participation for the second tracked month in a row:


SIGYN is currently being involved in special plot circumstances, and so is being temporarily removed from play, just for a couple of days. She's still very much a part of the game. Fellow Norse castmates are free to treat her as "missing" for the time being, though.

Next, we have a special announcement!

With (former) Mod Ren now officially removed from the game, Mod Paul and I have unanimously elected to add a new mod to the leadership panel: our very own ASH!

Ash will be assisting me with plot direction, and will be in charge of rule enforcement. So, if you get a message from Ash telling you to do something, yes, you need to do as she says. ^_^ She will also be taking over advertisement distribution and keeping the Past Days records current. Please join us in congratulating her!

As for Mod Paul, he remains in charge of Admissions, and will be taking over all Activity duties from here on out. So, basically, if you have ANY questions about applications, current status, or anything related to activity, he's your go-to guy.

And me, well, I remain lead mod and in charge of Everything Else: plot direction, player outreach, organization, graphic design, etc. As always, if anyone needs ANYTHING that either Paul or Ash can't help with, or if you'd just feel more comfortable talking to me, you're always welcome to contact me anytime via phone, text, email, IM, PM, whatever. ^_^

And now back to business as usual! Time for the plotting post! And the rules, once again:

-Post a comment with the names of your character(s), and what sorts of things you might be interested in doing with them. Feel free to be as general or specific as you like, mention any rating/content limits you might have, etc.
-Other players then comment with plot ideas to play out with you and get the idea mill churning.
-Characters on Standby automatically get first priority.

Any questions? Let us know!


This Meme is required!

So here's what you do. Copy the list below and answer with each of your Muses. Answer IN CHARACTER. Your characters must give truthful answers. Even if they would only answer in strike throughs, please give a real answer somewhere to each question.

Feel free to comment on other folks answers. That's where the fun is!

1. Favorite sweet snack?
2. Who of your fellow godlings do you most admire? (please only choose from active characters)
3. Who of your fellow godlings do you most dislike? (please only choose from active characters)
4. Favorite guilty pleasure?
5. Something intangible about you, that you can’t do without or strongly defines you?
6. If you could have one wish, other than your godhood, what would it be?
7. Your proudest moment?
8. Your most awkward moment?
9. Tell a secret that no one else knows (or think no one else knows) about you.
10. What is your greatest fear?

Back March 4th, 2013 Forward