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Mini-log [Sep. 17th, 2011|09:46 pm]

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Corruption was having a nice, long laugh at the expense of the Greeks. Oh they were precious! He adored them! They didn't even really need his help. All they had to do was open their mouths and they were practically putting themselves into his lap to play with as he saw fit.

Case in point. Medusa. Aphrodite. Poseidon. And Apollo. Right now, specifically Apollo.

Poseidont was being a naughty, naughty boy thanks to Corruption's influence via that naughty, naughty spell Aphrodite cast on Medusa. He figured Apollo ought to know so Corruption was kind enough to send the sun god a vision.
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Musing in the Storm [Aug. 30th, 2011|08:26 pm]
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Date/Time: Sunday morning, August 28
Location: The top of Seth's estate.
Rating: R
Warnings: language
Summary: Seth schemes

Musing in the Storm )
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