metafandom's Journal


24th June 2009

9:23pm: Wednesday, June 24, 2009

  • [info]kalpurna: wanky but true - We're a community of women. We are a COMMUNITY of WOMEN. -

  • [info]giandujakiss: The warnings thing. - I do not recall ever reading an author's warning that I felt spoiled a fic for me. -

  • [info]sageness: $0.02 on this year's fic warning kerfuffle - It's like putting in a stoplight at an intersection where there's been an accident. You don't realize there's a need until it's too late, but at that point the need is clear and putting in a light will save others from harm. That's common decency. -
    (tags: warnings)

  • [info]destina: Where is my sparkly pony, and why is it covered in manure? - I thought quite a bit about how fandom raises my blood pressure now instead of chilling me out, most of the time. -

  • fairestcat: Morning Rant - Where the HELL did this idea come from that only penetrative acts = "sex". -

  • [info]giddygeek: Really? This is where we are? - It's so interesting to me that here we are, writing stories about falling in love, and armageddon, and people turning into penguins; here we also are, examining our privilege and doing what we can to make sure every voice is heard. -
    (tags: warnings)

  • [info]carolyn_claire: I, too, am a veteran of the Haircut Warning Wars - Seriously. They happened. (And may still be happening, for all I know.) Those who don't believe that people in different fandoms at different times have argued HARD for warnings for different things, things that YOU may find trivial or absurd but THEY obviously didn't, because you haven't seen the arguments--believe it. Really. The longer one bops around fandom and the more fandoms one bops in, the more one will see this. Your not having seen it does NOT mean it hasn't happened, so stop behaving as though it does. -
    (tags: warnings)

  • [info]blackboggart: Warning wank and 'artistic integrity' - The phrase "artistic integrity" is very heavily related to the phrase "artistic responsibility". There is an expectation of an artist, that no matter what you are putting out into the world, you have a full blown responsibility to your work. On the physical side, if you are creating a public artwork, you have to research the rules and regulations and make your art safe for a public space. If you create a sculpture, and that sculpture is unstable and hurts a member of the public you are liable. -
    (tags: warnings)

  • telesilla: It's too late to worry about slippery slopes; we're already on one. - BDSM -- So here we come to it. There I've been talking about death and rape and child abuse and then all of a's something that is an integral part of my sexuality being comapred with those three things. Somehow fandom has decided that a form of consensual sex needs to be warned for, like it was the same as death or rape or child abuse. -
    (tags: kink warnings)

  • wistfuljane: This is what happens when I engaged in comment discussions - I'm so tired of the argument that readers who have triggers should assume the worst of an unwarned story (one without a warning or a warning disclaimer). That they should check with the author, a friend, a search engine, whatever to make sure that it would be safe for them to read. I mean, that what's I would do if I have a food allergy!//Here, have some statistics! -
    (tags: warnings)

  • naath: Meta Meta - But increasingly I'm find that there are a lot of topics that simply can't be discussed in a public forum, because others come along and refuse to let the discussion happen; and I find that bad because, whilst of course we could all retreat to closed communities, it makes it much harder for people who are just starting to dip their toes in the water to find things. -

  • [info]impertinence: Regarding Privilege - Triggering is directly related to rape and sexual abuse. Moreover, it is incredibly common for people who have triggers in fandom to, in fact, have sexual assault related triggers. The fact that these triggers exist, and the fact that so many people are totally unaware of what triggering really means, is very strong evidence of a problem that I have outlined in many previous posts: the cult of silence surrounding sexual violence victims. -

  • [info]vassilissa: On triggers and warnings - I know you're really attached to not disclosing what the surprise is in your Peanut Surprise, but you know, even restaurants warn. It doesn't mean disclosing the whole recipe, it just means going over the most common allergens: nuts, peanuts, eggs, dairy, seafood, wheat. -
    (tags: warnings)

  • [info]queenofhell: warning: wank - it is completely insane to me that we even have to have this discussion at all, and it is deeply, deeply depressing that we are having in this particular fashion. Some of the arguments I'm seeing are frankly mind-boggling, and unfortunately really familiar. -

  • [info]quettaser: WARNING THIS POST CONTAINS SUBSCRIPTS AND VARIABLES - What is the net cost to the fandom community - measured in some made-up unit of personal effort/thought - of warning vs. not warning? -
    (tags: warnings)

  • fairestcat: I Don't Care Abut Blair Sandburg's Hair - I want to have today's fight. I want to state my case and make my argument and I am more than willing to discuss and defend that argument. I'm even willing to discuss arguments being made elsewhere during this iteration of the debate. What I'm not willing to do is discuss, defend or be held responsible for what someone else said some unknown number of years ago in a completely different section of the internet before I was even in fandom. -

  • [info]solar_cat: I Can See the Wank at the Doorstep, but I Just Gotta Ask... - How do you parse these terms? Is it "dub-con" to you when you as the reader are fully aware that both characters are mentally consenting but one character isn't aware of the other's consent? Are "non-con" and "rape" the same thing, or is there a difference? -
    (tags: terminology)

  • [info]winterweathered: the lights illuminate the exit signs over the wings - it would be nice of you to put in a note in your header. "There is no non-con in this story. If you have other specific triggers, feel free to message me and ask me about the content!" This [...] OPENS THE DOOR [...] making it clear that you are receptive to people's personal issues and will be NICE about answering questions. It ALSO gives your reader the option to take responsibility for his or her own mental well-being. -
    (tags: warnings)

  • amadi: Warnings & How To Do 'Em - Now, for those who wish to include warnings [...] and wish to do so in a way that protects those who do not wish to be spoiled by warnings from said spoilage, in a manner accessible to users of all browsers, all OSes and screenreaders for the visually impaired (while still preserving screenreader users' ability to not be spoiled by a warning if they'd rather not be) I come bearing HTML for you... -

  • [info]reflectedeve: odds are, you won't like what it is - There is some measure of common consensus over what triggers may be the most common and thus the most important to warn for (thus helping the broadest number of readers): these tend to include any sexual consent issues (from rape through dubious under-the-influence situations), child abuse, self-injury, and suicide, etc. However, complete consensus is going to be impossible, and covering all possible triggers even moreso. This does not invalidate the importance of using warnings. -
    (tags: warnings)
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