metafandom's Journal


23rd June 2009

12:19am: Monday, June 22, 2009

  • zvi: Warnings - The thing about this is, I am perfectly okay with people needing warnings to decide whether or not to read a story. And I am okay with them deciding that if they don't get a warning, then they won't read a story. I don't understand why they insist that all stories have warnings. If there is no warning on the story, then you do not have information on whether or not something triggering is in the story. Why is that hard to grasp? -
    (tags: warnings)

  • flourish: Thinking about triggering - I don't like the thought that my stories would put someone into great emotional distress. I may seek to evoke certain moods, but I never seek to evoke that kind of deep emotional pain, and I think that's probably true for 99% of authors. And, yeah, adding warnings is something small that I can do that will make life a whole lot better for some people, and I think that's my obligation - or at the very least, it's my obligation to make it crystal clear that my story is "read at your own risk". -
    (tags: warnings)

  • [info]impertinence: Sexual Assault, Triggering, and Warnings: An Essay - survivors are not asking for extensive warnings on their rare and/or particularly specialized squicks. Survivors are asking that authors not hurt them even further by placing them in danger of being thrown back to such harmful mindsets. Survivors are asking that they be given a tool that helps them choose their fandom space and continue to heal, rather than have the same wounds reopened. And most importantly, survivors are asking for something that they did not have at the time of the assault(s): the power to say no. The power to not be made helpless and afraid.

    Warning: Very explicit discussion of sexual assault and the nature, anatomy, cause & effect of triggers. Is itself triggery.

  • [info]fluterbev: Meta: The Rules of Fandom (Part 1) - So now, without further ado, I present to you the Rules of Fandom. -
    (tags: satire fandom)
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