metafandom's Journal


26th January 2009

9:24am: Saturday, January 24 (Belated)
Sorry for the lateness!

  • [info]yeloson: Disengagement 101 - After the annual fandom racefail, I want to talk about how we can engage in being proactive with dealing with anti-oppression work online, and at the same time, do what we need to in order to protect ourselves. -

  • [info]throughadoor: this is long, but cut tags are for quizzes and pictures of your cat - So anyway, dear clueless white person mine -- think about how ridiculous someone sounds when they tell you that they don't believe in Darwinism. THAT'S WHAT YOU SOUND LIKE WHEN YOU TRY TO TELL ME THAT WHITE PRIVILEGE DOESN'T EXIST. -
    (tags: privilege)

  • [info]zvi_likes_tv: Some thoughts from the Bear Imbroglio (and elsewhere) - I have an annotated links list. It's divided into three parts: Fans of Color talking about themselves; People Talking To Allies or about White People; and resources. I singled these posts out because they said things I didn't know, or have only just started thinking about, or were especially beautiful. -

  • [info]yeloson: On Cookies and being an Ally - Allies do not step back and go, "Oh, I wash my hands of it, this is what other people are doing, I have nothing to do with it". Allies remind people who matters and, instead of taking the space to say the words, step aside and let the people who it's about say it for themselves. -

  • [info]yeloson: On Apologies and being an Ally - I keep watching people do racist, sexist, and heterosexist stuff, and then turn around "Oh, I learned my lesson! I'm sorry!" the next day, as if the years of stupid that you've been indoctrinated with that let you even treat your fellow humans as less than human, could be so easily unlearned. And, those of us on the receiving end know you'll do the same damn thing again, because you've shown no desire or effort towards changing your thinking or your behavior. -

  • [info]tourniquette: Friend Don't Let Friends Be Bigots & Other Thoughts on Fandom, Activism & Culture Convergence - If I thought that any of you were PoC-hating, pointy hat and robe-wearing white supremacists, I would not be trying to help you understand what went wrong, and I suspect that the case with many, many other people who are angry with you and your friends right now. -

  • [info]moondancerdrake: One more thing... - Many of my poc friends now feel they no longer have a place in the fannish community as it stands. These are people I consider part of my fannish family, people I donâ™t get to see at any other time but once a year at Wiscon. I donâ™t care less what a big name whosist someone thinks they are, they have no right to make any of these artists and fans feel any less welcome there or any place else in fandom. -

  • [info]yhlee: Tiptoeing into the acid bath. Or would a splash be better? - I've talked about this before, how for ages I only wrote Eurofantasy (or Eurosf?) myself because that was what I had been raised on. And the thing about this is that it's self-perpetuating. You have to break out of the cycle at some point, and from my standpoint it is generally better to try to do so mindfully and with an eye toward discussion -

  • [info]orca_girl: Caution: Intemperate Language Ahead - Criticizing someone, telling them they're full of shit, telling them that what they just said is racist crap? Or, being gentle about it if you must -- but if you don't do it, who will? That is still being loving. That's being a friend. That is NOT "throwing people under the bus". -
    (tags: privilege race)

  • [info]sparkymonster: BRB: Making Nice White Ladies Cry - Basically, you set off a bomb which resulted in a lot of PoC being hurt and wounded. I understand you may not have realized you were setting off a bomb, but after it happened I didn't see you doing much to protect or help PoC that were injured by the shrapnel. ... -

  • [info]ciderpress: ven ve voke up, ve had zese wodies. - The discussion that Seeking Avalon's Willow and [info]deepad started and many other PoC participated in and the points they made regarding cultural appropriation, different PoC experiences with life in general, the media and the effect that cultural appropriation has on our emotions, our narratives and our ideologies was derailed. Instead, the discussion became focused on accusations of reverse-racism, racism against white people!, classism, anti-intellectualism, jealousy and grandstanding etc and the arguments that followed. -

  • [info]karnythia: On Writing, Cultural Appropriation, and Invisibility - I am so sick of hearing "Oh, I could never write a Black/Asian/Latino/NDN character" and "Well I did write one, but all of these people complained about the way I did it so I won't do it again." from people who really ought to know better than to go outside without any pants on. -
    (tags: writing race)

  • [info]helsmeta: But what are my thoughts on yaoi?, or, Why monoculture and colorblindness don't seem so great to me - It is interesting to me that one of the ways of dealing with cultural differences (good or bad) is to strip individuals of anything and everything that makes them different from one another, pretending that those differences do not exist, for the sake of making it easier to interact. -

  • [info]shewhohashope: In the collective unconcious: cultural impositions, internalised racism & the colonised mind - Someone - several someones, in fact - called me a racist because I see things in terms of race, thereby acknowledging its existence, thereby agreeing with the hierarchical ranking of racial groups (a very Victorian definition of racism), or simply because I'm not colourblind.//Not seeing things in terms of race is an aspect of privilege, as I've said before. I can't not see things in terms of race, because people will always see me in terms of mine. -

  • [info]emily_shore: On safe space and responsibility - In order to consider yourself an ally of some kind, it seems to me that you do have to make a commitment to making your LJ a safe space for the people that you are attempting to support. It isn't an uncomplicated goal at all. Everyone also wants to make their LJ a safe space for their friends, and frankly almost all of us have friends who are going to say problematic things at some point or another. Yet is it right to support them in that? It should never really be safe for people to say problematic things. -

  • [info]linaerys: The meta meta - I can understand getting tired and wishing the discussion would die down and go away. And I've seen people get called out for freezing comments or deleting threads as much as I've seen them called out for failing to respond to comments in a meta post. Someone I greatly respect once said that you shouldn't post a meta post unless you're willing to engage in the discussion for as long as it runs. I don't think I really agree with that, but it's certainly a sentiment that's out there. -
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