metafandom's Journal


27th January 2009

7:34am: Monday, January 26, 2008

  • [info]dirty_diana: (does whatever a spider can) these are my stories. - But, like Deepa's half a tongue? Those are things that I remember. Amelia Jane and Brother Anansi, the coloniser and the colonised, fighting it out in my seven-year-old brain. -
    (tags: race)

  • [info]twtd: The State of Femslash: January 2009 - I have questions. My biggest one being why? Why have we evolved in this way? Why have we, in a sense, devolved since Star Trek and Xena, become less sophisticated? Why don't we go out and engage in the discussions in general fandom (I know I will get answers to this from the few people who do. I heart all of you too)? What are we so afraid of? -

  • [info]cleo2584: Femslash Fandom: Thoughts/Questions on Insularity - there is a rather conservative trend in femslash fandom as a whole. Why doesn't femslash like to get meta on itself? We've got [info]girlwank, but why can't we seem to get it going? Why do we get the same old stories? Why aren't we willing to experiment? Why are those of that are willing to experiment in so many cases ignored or given a cold shoulder? -

  • [info]havocthecat: Genderswaps in Fanfic - Looking For A Femslash Perspective - Some people, who are on my friendslist, think that this is a wonderful way to explore gender and sexuality. Some other people, who are also on my friendslist, think that this is a way to remove the female characters from a story while painting a thin veneer of not having done so on there. -
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