metafandom's Journal


25th January 2009

8:01pm: Sunday, January 25, 2009

  • [info]penknife: Shopping for curtains: a fine fannish tradition - Like many genres of clichefic, I have a love-hate relationship with curtainfic. There is curtainfic I really do not like, and curtainfic I really do like, and I think the difference is a matter of how you're using the domestic situation in your story and (as always) in the execution. -
    (tags: fanfic)

  • [info]technocracygirl: The author's intent - At some point, LMB wrote that a book is not finished when it goes to the publishers to be printed. It is only finished when a reader picks it up, because the background that a reader brings to their reading of the book is just as important as the background that an author had in mind when they wrote the book.//Over the last week or so, during the Race in SF/F imbroglio, that comment from Lois has been echoing around in my head. -

  • [info]princessofg: this is important. - I saw an icon that said, "Racism Harshes my Squee," and that was one of the things that made me realize that the mere fact that I have the luxury of ignoring racism in fandom whenever I choose to .... was a sign of my privilege, and it might be a very good idea for me to allow a little more reality into my fantasy world. -
    (tags: racism fandom)
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