[Archive] Meta Roundup: Fannish Stuff of Interest

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October 20th, 2007


Issue #23 a

Because of the massive amount of news on the Harry Potter front re: Albus Dumbledore is gay, I decided to split today's issue.

[info]iulia_linnea (in [info]girl_harry): TOPIC: What draws you to girl!Harry and girl!Harry fiction?: "What draws me to girl!Harry is, primarily, a desire to read strong female characters combined with my love of the HP universe. I write this without holding the idea, as some do, that J.K. Rowling's world is devoid of strong female characters; in my opinion, there are several of them in the Potterverse. Harry, however, is the main character, the series' focus, and I enjoy focusing my thoughts about the construction of sexual and gender identity into my characterization of girl!Harry."

(LiveJournal) [info]elfwreck (in [info]07refugees): The legal definition: Ummm, our bad; we fix later.: "I asked Livejournal about the "legal definition of pornography" as described in their abuse policy [...] Minors Befriending Adult-Themed Journals [...] I finally got an answer."


Issue #23 b (Dumbledore Edition)

Because of the (comparably) massive amount of news on the Harry Potter front re: Albus Dumbledore is gay, I decided to split today's issue. #23 a has the general fannish meta.

[info]bethbethbeth: The...news.: "For the record, even in light of the recent JKR 'revelation' (i.e., that Dumbledore was gay), I still stand by my July 26th post in which I said '...the only canon is book canon.'"

[info]amilliondays: I was going to say something about it ...: "Dealing with queer identity in your stories is not the same fucking thing as making it a Very Special Episode. [...] There's gonna be a whole lot of queer kids who won't have any knowledge that they had a role model in those books. Because he's trapped in a paperback closet."

[info]ishtar79: OMG: "But I’m leaving aside all those quibbles because even if a portion of the millions of children who read this book worldwide hear of this, if it makes them think about the fact that one of their favourite figures in the book is a gay man, if this makes it more ok to be gay or more accepting of gay people... well. This is HUGE."

[info]djin7: OH HAI GUYZ: "Many people will find fault with it. [...] I just wanted to say I find it charming and wonderful, and it's making me smile during a week where those have been sadly lacking."

[info]firefly124: The outing of Albus Dumbledore and other things JKR said yesterday: "That inner cynic thinks her point might well have been, "I know you people are writing slash about my characters, and so I give you a canonically gay character about whom I can't imagine in a million years anyone would ever write explicit sex about! Take that!" Which, er, won't work."

[info]babydraco: Oh wow: "I have posted something on JKR and sexism and something on JKR’s confusion over how her characters are perceived. I’ve written about her racial issues JKR and child abuse and her Christian themes. However, this awesome piece of news reminded me that I need to write more about what I like in Harry Potter. Because with all the complaining, maybe people wondered why I was even bothering to be involved in the first place."

[info]chet_lemon (in [info]forwardthinking): I am oh so torn...: "I suppose you could say that Dumbledore's sexual orientation doesn't matter, and not discussing it explicitly in the books just shows how orientation isn't a big deal. That just feels very cheap to me in some way. Orientation does matter in this world. It absolutely shouldn't, but we're not living in a utopia."

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