[Archive] Meta Roundup: Fannish Stuff of Interest

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August 31st, 2007


Roundup Issue #8



In [info]07refugees, [info]keieeeye says there'll be a major code update soon, which should fix several site issues. Apparently, the days of miraculously disappearing comments will soon be over. (And as a personal comment: I love it that [info]squeaky works on the site issues, instead of giving us "extras" and "features" we didn't ask for.)

[info]djin7 compares the IJ user stats before and after the LiveJournal Strikeout/Boldthrough. It's insane (pun was not intended, I swear).

[info]bethbethbeth mentions issues with IJ's friending feature.

Fandom Stuff

[info]yourlibrarian: Ads and You: "And vidders will probably be affected by ads soon as well, since YouTube is now planning to run ads embedded in the video content they host. Given that the advertising push on LJ seems to have led to a greater concern about content, it seems to me that monetizing sites through ads is likely to be the biggest problem to fandom in finding spaces to host their content."

[info]das_dingsi: Dark!fic vs. Dark Themes and My Fictional Landscape: "'Darkfic' (as according to the above definitions) doesn't do it for me, but 'dark themes' certainly do. And I like it here. It's an interesting, sometimes a bit clichéd (I guess), but very satisfying place. I wouldn't want it any other way. Probably I couldn't want it any other way, because (as with most of our preferences) it's not even a concscious act."

Two posts by [info]musesfool:
we got each other and that's a lot: "All fanfic is in some way in conversation with the source text, but AUs tend to force the intertexuality of the conversation, because without some knowledge of the source (and often, the deeper the knowledge the better), the reader can't be aware of the changes and, more importantly, what those changes mean. (Though with the rather large change of making an always male character always female, there are larger issues at play)." - Mostly Supernatural-centric, dealing with X-as-a-girl AUs.

you've got to roll with the punches to get to what's real: "I think making a big public display of it riles people up, and yeah, it's rude, but seriously, people who think fans aren't saving their favorite stories to their hard drives for rereading are naive at best (...) Reposting or redistributing it publicly is a fannish faux pas, but I think it's really hilarious and hypocritical for fanfic writers to be screaming about copyright violations and lack of permissions."

[info]bethbethbeth explains why friending a community's watcher journal is a bad idea.

[info]cluegirl started a Fandom Happiness Is... meme.

Deutschsprachiges Meta

[info]mllesatine: Das UHT Mysterium: "Ich lese jede Menge SPN Fanfic und was mich immer wieder überrascht, ist die Bemerkung, dass die Winchester-Brüder eine sehr körperliche Beziehung haben (im Gegensatz zu dem, was man on-screen sieht). (...) Der körperliche Kontakt zwischen ihnen ist praktisch nicht vorhanden. Und ich werde damit einfach nicht fertig. (...) Es ist nur so *beunruhigend* eine Familie zu sehen, deren Mitglieder sich gegenseitig wie Fremde behandeln."

[info]lenija: Migrationsströme zielsicher. Résistance putzt Brille.: "Wo sind eigentlich all die interessanten Diskussionen und Pläne geblieben bezüglich der Frage, wohin das Fandom nun umziehen will?"

If you've got a fannish entry you'd like to see included, be it yours or posts of other fandomers, just leave a comment with the link. You can also use the suggestion post with screened comments if you're more comfortable with that.


The Gigantic General "My Fandoms Are..." Poll 2007


About time I put the paid account status to use, isn't it? ♥

I'd love to know what fandoms people are in, here on InsaneJournal. My plan is to create some nice, colorful pie charts when I have enough data, and perhaps a "Top Ten" of sorts and how it changes over time. Please, tell your friendslist about this, and then tell your friends to tell their friends -- I'd really like to reach as many fannish InsaneJournalers as possible!


1. Do NOT use abbreviations. For example, write "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" instead of BtVS. There will be fandoms I'm not familiar with, and some abbreviations might be very similar. Writing out the names prevents confusion.

2. Do NOT take the poll with several accounts, for it would skew the results. One person, one account.

3. Because this is supposed to give just a general overview, please don't go too much into details (meaning, subcategories, pairings, or "branches" of a particular fandom). For example, X-Men movieverse and comicsverse both should be labeled as "X-Men", or bandom RPF and actor RPF both get filed under "RPF". (We might get to the details at a later point, with different polls.)

4. When in doubt, add some additional information.

Argh, I forgot something / made a mistake! -- No worries. Click on the poll link (with the poll number), then on "Fill out poll", and you can change your answers. Don't forget to tell me, though, or else the data sheet will still contain your old answers.

I'm not sure I'm part of fandom. -- Well, personally, I've always considered lurkers and readers to be a part of fandom. You don't have to produce vids, art, fic etc. to take this poll. If you squee about the canon, discuss it with others, or just love reading fic for it, you're a fan in my eyes.
On the other hand, if there's a show/movie/whatever you love, but go "Meh, I don't feel fannish about them", you don't have to list them. Your choice. ;)

Why didn't you just offer ticky boxes? -- Because I'd inevitably forget several fandoms and feel bad and guilty about it.

I've got another question! -- Leave a comment, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. :)

Poll #318 The Gigantic General "My Fandoms Are..." Poll 2007
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

I am taking this poll!

View Answers

145 (100.0%)

My MAIN fandoms are... (please do not list more than FIVE)

My other fandoms are... (list as many as you want)

My other fandoms are... (pt. 2, in case you ran out of space)