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Holiday porn for everyone!

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Merry Smutmas, [info]entrenous88! [21 Dec 2007|12:00am]


To: [info]entrenous88
From: [info]auntee_mame

Title: For Crying Out Loud
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Ron, Ron/OF&MCs
Disclaimer: All characters, except for the OCs, which are totally insignificant and my creation, are the property of J.K. Rowling. There are no profits made and the story is for entertainment purposes only.
Summary: Ron has found a new set of friends and Harry feels left behind.
Warnings: None
Author's notes: Thank you to my wonderful Brit picker and beta.

For Crying Out Loud )
61 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]bethbethbeth! [20 Dec 2007|04:00pm]


To: [info]bethbethbeth
From: [info]atdelphi

Title: Goat Song
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Aberforth Dumbledore/Severus Snape
Disclaimer: All recognisable elements herein are the sole intellectual and legal property of JKR and her associates. No profit is being made from this work and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: A tragedy in five scenes.
Author's Notes: Big thanks to my beta, who knows who she is, and happy holidays to Beth!

Goat Song
118 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]meri_oddities! [20 Dec 2007|08:00am]


To: [info]meri_oddities
From: [info]ze_dragon

Title: Vehicular Homicide is Only a Misdemeanor but Arson is a Felony (Unexpected Sparks)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never will be.
Summary: Starting over doesn't always mean from scratch. Which is probably a good thing when something sinister is lurking around the corner.
Warnings: Epilogue compliant... does that require a warning?
Author's notes: Thanks to my amazing beta who let me bounce ideas off her until I finally settled on something... the very thing she told me I should write in the first place. Go figure. Oh, and I stretched the process in some places here and there to fit the story.

( Vehicular Homicide is Only a Misdemeanor but Arson is a Felony (Unexpected Sparks) )
57 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]kaalee! [20 Dec 2007|12:00am]


To: [info]kaalee
From: [info]tarie

Title: Of Pride, Piercings, and a Particularly Profound Prurient Proficiency
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Neville/Seamus
Disclaimer: Not mine. JKR's. Don't sue; I'm poor.
Summary: While the trio's off hunting Horcruxes, back at Hogwarts things are grim. With most of the students looking to Neville for guidance, Seamus knows his friend needs all the support he can get. Support comes in a variety of ways.
Author's notes: Thanks to my beta! Some of the italicized lines have been Bogarted from ee cummings. A few lines of dialogue at the end were gacked directly from DH. Kaalee, I really hope you enjoy this. It was a challenge to write, but definitely one of the 'good' kind of challenges. Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Of Pride, Piercings, and a Particularly Profound Prurient Proficiency )
25 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]scribbulus_ink! [19 Dec 2007|06:00pm]


To: [info]scribbulus_ink
From: [info]schemingreader

Title: What Heaven We're In
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling created the characters and plot holes that made this story possible. "Begin the Beguine" is a song by Cole Porter.
Summary: Remus Lupin survived the war and is living in Key West.
Warnings: Consensual bondage play, cross-dressing, rimming, mention of mpreg.
Author's notes: The original request is here -- I tried to have most, but not all, of the kinks you listed in the story. I have managed to do a slow build up to romance, though the sex starts right away. I hope that works for you, and that you enjoy the story.

What Heaven We're In
65 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]vissy! [19 Dec 2007|12:00pm]


To: [info]vissy
From: [info]psyfic

Title: Next Leg Of The Journey
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Snape/Hagrid, Albus/Gellert
Disclaimer: The people & places are Rowling's. The situations and anything you don't recognize are the author's. This fic is an exchange gift written to request and no profit was made. It takes place in the world belonging to JK Rowling, which is merely borrowed for the nonce and remains unspindled, unfolded and unmutilated, though it does get a bit smutty.
Summary: Two entirely different men come to a new understanding of each other after the war.
Warnings: highlight between brackets if you prefer story warnings:
[Wanking, voyeurism, attempted suicide, first time, rimming, a love bite or two, gratuitous use of Oscar Wilde, and death, but no destruction]
Author's notes: This starts off a bit slow, but then it's meant to. Thanks to my betas, you know who you are. Merry Smutmas, Vissy!

( Next Leg Of The Journey )
40 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]geoviki! [19 Dec 2007|06:00am]


To: [info]geoviki
From: [info]gold_loewin

Title: The Ecstasies of Flying, Floating and Falling
Rating: R
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: Sadly not mine.
Summary: Not everyone in the Wizarding World is elated by the publication of Rita Skeeter's unauthorized biography of Harry Potter.
Warnings: Not dial-up friendly. Image is NOT WORKSAFE.
Artist's notes: Merry Smutmas, Geoviki! You requested lots of plot, hurt/comfort and you wrote: "I really love emotional connection and don't mind if it's not so very porny getting there, within the R/NC17 smutmas requirements, of course. I like happy or hopeful endings, but I can cry on the way there." I managed to include almost everything and I hope you enjoy this. :)

The Ecstasies of Flying, Floating and Falling )
120 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]lidane! [19 Dec 2007|12:00am]


To: [info]lidane
From: [info]regarde

Title: The Arrangement
Rating: R
Pairing: Severus Snape/Lucius Malfoy
Disclaimer: Characters are most emphatically not mine.
Summary: Lucius Malfoy, for the first time in his lushly privileged life, acutely and intensely hates everything that he has become. Now, he has only one person to whom he can turn to right things.
Warnings: None
Author's notes: Happy holidays, [info]lidane! Thanks to R to making sure all my nouns verbed, and also for being awesome. Mistakes are mine, not hers, because I like commas a whole lot more than I should.

The Arrangement )
22 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Christmas, [info]bruni! [18 Dec 2007|04:00pm]


To: [info]bruni
From: [info]theothermoony

Title: Everything Is Different Now, Forever
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Disclaimer: Not mine. Also, Dumbledore is still gay.
Summary: Remus and Sirius settle their differences.
Author's notes: Thanks to my betas. You know who you are.

Everything Is Different Now, Forever )
38 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]glee! [18 Dec 2007|08:00am]


To: [info]glee
From: [info]svartalfur

Title: The Swing
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Severus is waiting for his friend to return to the playground, Harry wants to find out everything about Lily, and the Healers at St. Mungo's are at a loss to explain Snape's condition.
Warnings: Highlight, if you wish to know: *Harry is eighteen when they have sex, Snape thirty-eight. Underage sex (fifteen and sixteen) is only in their imagination.*
Author's notes: Many thanks to my wonderful beta and Britpicker. And thank you, [info]glee, for the fantastic prompt. I hope you enjoy it. Merry Smutmas!

( The Swing )
85 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]qotc! [18 Dec 2007|12:00am]


To: [info]qotc
From: [info]son_of_darkness

Title: Mr. Wolf!
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Harry/Fenrir
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Harry learns that defending one's own comes at a price.
Warnings: Non-con, violence, implied gore
Author's notes: I hope you enjoy the fic, [info]qotc. Merry Smutmas. :)

Mr. Wolf! )
17 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]furiosity! [17 Dec 2007|04:00pm]


To: [info]furiosity
From: [info]empathic_siren

Title: Elegy for Vincent Crabbe: Dance Suite in Five Movements for Viola and Marimba
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, and all associated characters from the Harry Potter universe are the property of J.K. Rowling and those to whom she has licensed her creations, including without limitation Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: "But he would have kept on trying to kill you. He wouldn't have been anything more than who he was at that moment. You can't possibly believe that everyone is redeemable."

Harry shrugged, as much as he could while lying on his side. "Some aren't," he said. He reached out again and let the tips of his fingers trail down Draco's cheek. "But most are."

A/N: Merry Smutmas, Furiosity. I hope this brings you wonderful holiday cheer. Much thanks to my stellar betas, S, E, and K, your guidance and assistance proved invaluable (per usual).

The structure of this work is based on a bastardised dance suite, cobbled together from the Renaissance, Baroque and Classical dance forms, with a few things borrowed in between. The dances and style cues are explained in parentheticals at the beginning of each dance. There are five altogether, taking place over the course of nearly twenty years.

Elegy for Vincent Crabbe: Dance Suite in Five Movements for Viola and Marimba  )
129 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]tarie! [17 Dec 2007|08:00am]


To: [info]tarie
From: [info]midnitemarauder

Title: Rise From the Ashes
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Teddy/Cedric (Cedric/Roger Davies, reference to Cedric/Cho)
Disclaimer: Property of JK Rowling and Co. I merely play for no profit whatsoever.
Summary: Muggles have an old saying: "Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it." Teddy never quite grasped the meaning, until he made a wish of his own.
Warnings: Under 17s engaging in sexual relations.
Author's notes: Merry Smutmas, Tarie! You asked for "a little bit of plot", and by that standard, I went a teeny *cough* bit overboard, but this pairing jumped out at me right from the start and I couldn't resist. Much love and gratitude to my betas for their advice and encouragement. Titles nicked from Vienna Teng's "Eric's Song".

( Rise From the Ashes )
140 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]kaleidoskope! [17 Dec 2007|12:00am]


To: [info]kaleidoskope
From: [info]kangeiko

Images removed at artist's request.
43 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]nqdonne! [16 Dec 2007|06:00pm]


To: [info]nqdonne
From: [info]elucreh

Title: A Gentlemen's Agreement
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Oliver/Cedric; Oliver/Percy
Disclaimer: Oh, if only
Summary: In which, sex does not require emotional attachments, and Percy fails to get this.
Author's notes: Thanks to my beta, V; and to Gina, who works so very hard for us.

A Gentlemen's Agreement )
29 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]the_con_cept! [16 Dec 2007|12:00pm]


To: [info]the_con_cept
From: [info]venivincere

Title: A Bit of Comfort
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Category: Angst, Humour
Warnings: Chan. A bit of spanking.
Disclaimer: Characters and universe property of JKR and her designees. Story property of this author.
Summary: Harry can't seem to get Snape out of his head.
Author's Note: The_Con_Cept, I adore your fic, so looking at your Smutmas request and at the fics you like, I found it a daunting task to write something you'd be proud to have as a gift. I hope you enjoy my humble offering. Merry Smutmas! Many thanks to my beta, who shall remain nameless for now. You are always a help, my dear.

A Bit of Comfort
62 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]josan! [16 Dec 2007|06:00am]


To: [info]josan
From: [info]thescarletwoman

Title: Whatever Remus Wants...
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Snape/Black, Snape/Lupin, Snape/Lupin/Black
Disclaimer: They're JKR's. Not mine. If they were mine, I'd be richer than the Queen right now. I am merely borrowing them for the time being, though they may be a little worse for wear by the time I return them.
Summary: Remus' dreams have been more and more vivid lately. And even a trip to the pantry has a price.

Warnings: voyeurism, dirty-talk, threesome, light bondage, dominant bottom.
Author's notes: Set during OotP years. Thanks to Gina for being patient with me and to Q for putting up with my wibbling and being my muse. Beta credits go to Q and A ♥. Any mistakes left are purely my own. To [info]gmth for running a great fest and letting me come play in the sandbox. And lastly, to [info]josanpq. Happy Smutmas and I hope this fits the bill for you.

Whatever Remus Wants... )
52 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]jeddy! [16 Dec 2007|12:00am]


To: [info]jeddy
From: [info]florahart

Title: Increments of One
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Harry/Charlie; side mentions of het pairings including Ron/Hermione
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry, Charlie, or the 'verse in which they live, which are © JKR/WB et al.
Summary: After the battle, Harry's life goal is met. Now what?
Warnings: Slightly dubious consent, mention of sex toys.
Author's notes: Jeddy asked for a theme of rebuilding right after DH, and wanted dubious consent, misunderstanding, humor, frottage, non-penetrative sex, desperation and canon compliance, but not fluffiness or AU. I hope this meets those criteria. Merry Smutmas!

( Increments of One )
85 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]gold_loewin! [15 Dec 2007|06:00pm]


To: [info]gold_loewin
From: [info]coffeejunkii

Title: Cock Flambé
Rating: R
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Harry has always been in favour of taking matters into his own hands.
Author's notes: This story is not compliant with the epilogue of Deathly Hallows. [info]gold_loewin, I tried to fulfill as many of your wishes as possible, and I hope you'll enjoy the story! Thank you to my beta, who shall remain anonymous for now.

Cock FlambĂ© )
43 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]coffee_n_cocoa! [15 Dec 2007|12:00pm]


To: [info]coffee_n_cocoa
From: [info]lyricalnights

Title: Like Strangers On a Train
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Percy/Neville
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to JRK.
Summary: Percy and Neville plan for the new school year.
Author's notes: I tried to include a couple of the kinks you had listed in different ways. I hope you like the results.

Like Strangers On a Train )
17 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

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