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Nov. 3rd, 2013


RP: Christening

Who: Draco, Slytherins, Charlie, Harry, Stephen, Dan
Where: Malfoy manor
When: Sunday November 4, 2005
Summary: Scorpius gets Christened

Children are a gift from the Lord; a child is a reward from Him... or a punishment )

Oct. 18th, 2013



Who: Slytherins, others (see tags)
Where: sky
When: Friday October 18, 2005
Summary: Draco sends invitations out

Invitations )

Oct. 15th, 2013


OWL: Adrian to Stephen

Who: Adrian, Stephen
Where: Skies
When: Monday October 14, 2005
Summary: Adrian fills Stephen in on the latest gossip

Owl to Stephen )

Oct. 6th, 2013


RP: Stephen and Adrian

Who: Stephen and Adrian
Where: Adrian's
When: Sunday October 6, 2005
Summary: Stephen reacts to Regulus' words

Maybe he's right )


RP: Research and a Cure

Who: Regulus, Draco, Pansy, Greg, Adrian, Stephen, Theoore, Marcus and Dan
Where: Malfoy library
When: Sunday October 6, 2005
Summary: Regulus shows off

This is how it's done )

Oct. 2nd, 2013


RP: Dan and Marcus

Who: Dan and Marcus
Where: Their house
When: Wednesday October 2, 2005
Summary: A simple morning turns into a scare

Domesticity is a scary thing )

Sep. 28th, 2013


RP: Aftermath

Who: Public
Where: Hogsmeade
When: Saturday September 28, 2005
Summary: People find out/react to the attack

'Death's got an Invisibility Cloak?' Harry interrupted again. 'So he can sneak up on people,' said Ron. 'Sometimes he gets bored of running at them, flapping his arms and shrieking...' Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows  )

Sep. 23rd, 2013


RP: Adrian & Stephen

Who: Adrian & Stephen
Where: Adrian's house
When: Monday September 23rd, 2005 (after the funeral & date)
Summary: Stephen comes around as promised.

It's been a long old day. )


Log: First Date

Who: Lucy, Terry, Stephen
Where: 7 Rowena Lane, Hogsmeade / Phoenix Cafe, Diagon Alley
When: Monday 23rd September, roughly 7pm onwards
Summary: First date!

You make me happy when skies are grey )


RP: Two Funerals

Who: Open
Where: Cornfoot estate
When: Monday September 23, 2005

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. )

Sep. 22nd, 2013


Owls Dan/Stephen and Dan/Lucy

Who: Dan, Stephen, Lucy
Where: Hogsmeade
When: Sunday September 22, 2005
Summary: Dan gets information about Lucy's condition

Owl to Stephen )

Sep. 21st, 2013


Owl: Adrian to Stephen

Who: Adrian, Stephen
Where: skies
When: Saturday September 21, 2005
Summary: Adrian reads the Prophet and sends an owl

Owl to Stephen )


Owl from Stephen to his Mother

Who: Stephen, his mother
Where: Wiltshire
When: Saturday September 21, 2005
Summary: Stephen sends his condolences after his grandfather's death at the ends of the Muggles

Owl )

Sep. 19th, 2013


Owl to Adrian and Ginny

Who: Stephen, Adrian, Ginny
Where: their homes
When: Thursday September 19, 2005
Summary: Stephen wants to see if there are news of Kenneth

Owl to Ginny )

Owl to Adrian )

Sep. 14th, 2013


RP: Research Party

Who: Stephen, Terry, Dan, Adrian, Marcus, Theodore, Draco, Pansy, possibly Greg and Regulus
Where: Malfoy manor
When: Saturday September 14, 2005
Summary: There's research, attacks, sleepovers and more

Cracking the books )

Sep. 12th, 2013


Owls to the Slytherins, Dan and Terry

Who: Stephen, Adrian, Dan, Draco, Pansy, Theodore, Terry, Marcus
Where: Everywhere
When: Thursday September 12, 2005
Summary: Stephen asks for help

Owl to Adrian )

Owl to Marcus )

Owl to Terry )

Owl to Dan )

Owl to Draco, Pansy and Theodore )

Sep. 10th, 2013


OWL: Adrian to Stephen

Who: Adrian & Stephen
Where: Skies
When: Tuesday September 10th, 2005
Summary: Adrian sends a gift

Happy Birthday )

Sep. 7th, 2013


RP: Dan, Marcus

Who: Dan, Marcus
Where: Dan's house, London
When: Saturday, September 7, 2005
Summary: They go home after the club, but it's not all well

What are those cuts? )

Sep. 5th, 2013


RP: Stephen and Terry

Who: Stephen and Terry
Where: their house
When: Thursday September 5, 2005
Summary: Terry and Stephen catch up

So many changes in one week )

Sep. 4th, 2013


RP: Regulus, Team, Stephen

Who: Regulus, team member, Stephen
Where: Hydras Stadium
When: Wednesday, September 4, 2005
Summary: Regulus returns from the dead

I'm supposed to be dead. )

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