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Oct. 15th, 2013


Owl to Ginny and Ron

Who: George, Ginny and Ron
Where: sky
When: Tuesday October 15, 2005
Summary: George warns his siblings

Owl )


Owl: Draco, Harry

Who: Draco, Harry
Where: Sky
When: Tuesday October 15, 2005
Summary: Draco makes an unusual request

Owl )

Oct. 14th, 2013


Owl: Pansy and Charlie

Who: Pansy and Charlie
Where: sky
When: Monday October 14, 2005
Summary: Pansy checks on Charlie

Owl )



Who: Slytherins
Where: their homes
When: Monday October 14, 2005
Summary: Draco shares his misery

Journal )


RP: Another Malfoy arrives

Who: Draco, NPCs (Narcissa, Lucius, Scorpius)
Where: Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire
When: Monday October 14, 2005
Summary: Scorpius arrives on their doorsteps

I don't want a son )

Oct. 13th, 2013


RP: Theo & Pansy

Who: Theo & Pansy
Where: Theo's House
When: Sunday October 13th, 2005
Summary: Theo & Pansy do lunch

I want my food dead. Not sick, not dying, dead - Oscar Wilde )

Oct. 12th, 2013


Daily Prophet - Quidditch Scores

Who: Daily Prophet
What: News article
When: Saturday, October 12, 2005
Where: Everywhere

Daily Prophet - Sport Page )


RP: Ginny & Lucy

Who: Ginny & Lucy
Where: The Magic Neep
When: Sunday October, 2005
Summary: Ginny & Lucy meet for the first time

A new acquaintance a day keeps the... Loneliness away? )

Oct. 11th, 2013


RP: George and Hermione

Who: George and Hermione
Where: the grocers
When: Firday October 4, 2005
Summary: It's a random encounter

Fancy meeting you here )


Owl: Lucy/Theo

Who: Lucy and Theo
Where: The sky
When: Friday afternoon
Summary: Lucy owes Theo an update on the job situation

To Theo )

Oct. 8th, 2013


Owl Dan to Lucy

Who: Dan and Lucy
Where: the sky
When: Monday October 7, 2005
Summary: Dan lets Lucy know that everything is all right

Owl )

Oct. 7th, 2013



Who: Everyone
Where: Everywhere
When: Monday October 7, 2005
Summary: Notices for the Halloween party magically appear all around Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley and other wizarding area. Adverts in the paper as well

Advert )

Oct. 6th, 2013


RP: Dan and Marcus

Who: Dan and Marcus
Where: their house
When: Sunday October 6, 2005
Summary: they get home after Marcus is cured

How do you feel? )


RP: Lucy and Terry

Who: Lucy and Terry
Where: Somewhere for breakfast, Ollivanders
When: Sunday 6th October, morning
Summary: Lucy and Terry have breakfast, shelve wands, hopefully talk about some stuff

I'm too afraid to show )


RP: Pansy and Charlie

Who: Pansy and Charlie, maybe George later
Where: Wonderland
When: Sunday October 6, 2005
Summary: Pansy owls Charlie to come and see her, because she wants to discuss Charlie's predicament and generally talk to him

Welcome back )


RP: Stephen and Adrian

Who: Stephen and Adrian
Where: Adrian's
When: Sunday October 6, 2005
Summary: Stephen reacts to Regulus' words

Maybe he's right )


RP: the Weasleys

Who: Charlie, George, Ron and Ginny
Where: George
When: Sunday October 6, 2005
Summary: George invites Ron and Ginny for supper

We don't do this enough )


RP: Research and a Cure

Who: Regulus, Draco, Pansy, Greg, Adrian, Stephen, Theoore, Marcus and Dan
Where: Malfoy library
When: Sunday October 6, 2005
Summary: Regulus shows off

This is how it's done )

Oct. 5th, 2013


Owl from Dan to Lucy

Who: Dan and Lucy
Where: their homes
When: Saturday October 5, 2005
Summary: Dan postpone his birthday party

Owl )


Daily Prophet - Quidditch Scores

Who: Daily Prophet
What: News article
When: Saturday, October 5, 2005
Where: Everywhere

Daily Prophet - Sport Page )

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