MCU Canon Fodder

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April 17th, 2008

Various: badass Sam Wilson fighting hand-to-hand

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See, this fight isn’t about dealing with the guy in front of him, it’s about dealing with the guy’s squadmates who are keeping Widow and Cap pinned down: killing the dude would take time, and that’s time when Widow and Cap are taking fire, so he opts for the option that would allow him to support his allies, which was taking the gun.

April 30th, 2008

sherryzizi, eatingcroutons: Winter Soldier casual stroll of destruction

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Stan moves with measured precision and in a couple places, notably the highway ambush and the attack on the Triskelion at the end, the scenes cut between Captain America frantically running from point A to B while the Winter Soldier casually strolls to his destination, stopping only to kick people into jet engines. That contrast is subtle but it makes the Winter Soldier seem more in control—he’s already there while everyone else scrambles to catch up.
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