MCU Canon Fodder

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April 13th, 2008

explodingcrenelation: Bucky is the key (CATWS flashback)

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And, to Steve, Bucky doesn’t just have the key back home, he is the key back home.

February 11th, 2014

tartapplesauce: Obadiah Stane and Personal Space (the shoulder grabs)

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Wonder why Steve might take a 'friendly’ overture as an aggressive act designed to signal dominance, control and superior status?
Tony, whether he realises it or not, learned that trick from Obie.

(Warning: I intuited this the first time around, and the screencaps alone skeeve me the heck out. Brrrrrr.)

April 17th, 2008

Various: badass Sam Wilson fighting hand-to-hand

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See, this fight isn’t about dealing with the guy in front of him, it’s about dealing with the guy’s squadmates who are keeping Widow and Cap pinned down: killing the dude would take time, and that’s time when Widow and Cap are taking fire, so he opts for the option that would allow him to support his allies, which was taking the gun.

April 15th, 2008

fatcr0w: Steve is super chillax around Sam

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[Steve] has probably definitely been to [Sam's] house before the world went to shit.

August 25th, 2008

quiescentire: Ultron's wildly inaccurate science (MCU)

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As a scientist, here’s my advice to Ultron. If you want to create an extinction-level impact event, you need to generate a force on the scale of teratons, not megatons.
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