Jan. 15th, 2014


Scene Lottery Announcement

Hi lovely players!

That time is here, fate has spoken and all your sacrifices tributes have gone into the pot and their paths have been chosen for them!

It's time to see what the Scene Lottery has in store for you and your characters.

Are the odds in your favour? )

Go forth, be creative!

And just as a FYI we as Mods cannot wait to see what you guys come up with!

- Mands & Chrissie

Jan. 1st, 2014


Scene Lottery Sign-Up

Hey everyone,

So this is your post for the scene lottery! Please comment below (all comments screened) with 1 to 2 characters in which you want to be included in the lottery. We'll then take your characters, do a little shuffle and turn ourselves about, and then assign prompts for them!

We will be issuing the prompts on January 16th, which is the start of the next activity period, and then from there it will be up to you guys to set scenes up and go from there.

So have at the comment section for this post and sign up!

Your mods,
Chrissie & Mands

Comments screened to maintain the element of surprise!

Dec. 29th, 2013


Scene Lottery Fun!

Hi everyone,

So Chrissie and I have been talking about how sometimes it's difficult to get some characters interacting for various reasons and as such we've put our heads together to see what we can do as Mods to help you and the characters along, to ensure the best experience possible as far as character relationships and storytelling goes.

What we've come up with is something we like to refer to as The Scene Lottery, which is basically like a regular Lottery only instead of numbers you have your characters and random prompts. Sorry folks, we wish we could make you millionaires but alas we're just not that powerful ;)

For example:

Sebastian Shaw is #7 and Greer Grant is #21. Both these numbers get pulled together along with the prompt 'Tell Me A Secret' and then it's up to the players to figure out how best to fulfil the prompt together.

It's just something fun, intended to shake things up and see what fun random scene interactions can happen as a result!

Just a couple things:

1) This is on a volunteer basis so you put forward which characters you want going into the pot. We’d suggest you pick carefully, to make sure you don’t overload one whilst another is bereft of interaction (e.g. Chrissie has Sofia who is a busy bee what with her 6 threads, but then poor old Natalia has 0 so she wouldn’t throw Sofia at the mercy of Lady Luck and instead would offer up Natalia).
2) Each time we’ll ask you to volunteer 1-2 characters max.
3) A ‘volunteer here!’ post will go up approximately a week before the Lottery is due to take place and we’ll ask you to put your “tributes” forward. All comments will be screened so it’ll be a surprise for all!
4) You can opt out, last thing we'd want is to force you to do anything you really aren't feeling, but we'd appreciate it if you gave it a try.
5) If you're on a hiatus you're automatically opted out.
6) There's no set time limit on when the scenes have to take place.

We’d be looking to run the first Lottery on 16th January 2014.

With love,