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May. 25th, 2014


Cyclops Is Back!

Hello All!

This is Brett with #6 again, already, but I'm really bringing back a previous muse with some updates. He is now full on staff, an Adjunct Professor at Xavier's, working through his Masters Program at Columbia. He's basically been on the school fast track since he went to high school here, and is now part of a graduating class that really happened maybe a year or two before the game opened, to give you a sense of the timeline there.

Some of his involvement in the MDC remains, if tweaked, for the sake of his involvement and public stance, since he and Tony had such a vigorous debate about issues and it would be a shame to lose that, or at least the spirit of that debate.

Also, some friendships and lines, if slightly adjusted to fix the change in years and other issues. If you had lines with my original Cyke or even Mands', just let me know and we'll see what we can build in backstory!

Otherwise, he will be teaching a number of courses this coming Fall. Plus, this summer I need to try to edge him in quickly for a sister course to Ms. Pryor's Driver's Ed, namely care care and maintenance. Learn how to do an oil change, tire change, and other basic car maintenance and care that any responsible vehicle owner should equip themselves with. Plus, do you have your AAA card? ;)

Throw some plots at me! Old friends, future ex's, you name it! :) And don't forget to click the Friend Button! -B


Hello everyone! Matt here with my second character.

This here is Martin Li aka Mister Negative. Martin Li will be a teacher at Stark's School of Tomorrow, he's new and has of yet not been hired to teach anything specific until next fall.

He's a wealthy business man who has made a substantial amount of wealth from real estate and other investments, and a leading example of charity. He has established F.E.A.S.T (Food, Emergency Aide, Shelter, and Training) shelters, a few of them throughout the city, for the underprivileged and homeless. He provides food and shelter obviously, as well as pays Doctors and Nurses who wish to work extra hours at the shelter to provide free Health Care. Here he also trains people at job hunting, how to fill out a good resume, cover letter, trains them at skills that could help them get a job. Typing, data entry, whatever might be useful for those who might not have the education to get them ahead in life.

He is extremely kind, and his power in this form allows him to actually heal with a touch; even going so far as to heal some Cancer cells, though this is a limited power and anything strong enough like cancer could eventually return. Still, he does use it when and where he can, but also doesn't want to create a dependency on it and so therefore does hold back on it.

He has a darker side though, and that side is Mister Negative. Mister Negative is the head of the Crime Syndicate: "The White Dragons", a criminal organization that runs the underworld of New York where the Kingpin doesn't already hold sway. The organization is new, but has increased its power aggressively with the arrival of Mister Negative. He's evil, vile, and absolutely heartless.

Unfortunately Martin Li does not know Negative exists. At one point Martin Li and Mr. Negative were one in the same, but Negative was experimented on with Darkforce energy (by the same guy that did Cloak and Dagger in their canon history), and escaped with them. The Darkforce separated Li into a 'balance', his light and dark sides completely separate despite being the same body. Very few know Mister Negative even exists. They know someone is behind the scenes of this new 'White Dragon', but he lets his Lieutenants become bait.

Negative has the power to actually corrupt with his own version of Li's 'touch'. This gives him control over the person, and the more 'good' a person is, the stronger the corruption is, forcing them to turn on their ideals and morals. His personal bodyguards are called 'Inner Demons' which are men in black and white suits, with demon masks, and are all highly trained in hand-to-hand combat, as well as with traditional weaponry from Japan, China, and Korea. They of course can use guns, but considering he has the power to infuse blunt and blade-like weapons with Darkforce energy, he prefers the more blunt approach. These are the most corrupted individuals.

Mister Negative is likely not going to be much of the sort to interact with many characters in this game, as he works from behind the scenes. But Martin Li will be staff, he's friendly, and he's incredibly open so it'd be more than reasonable for him to have PLENTY of connections. Friends, enemies, lovers, frienemies, co-workers, and favorite-students come forth!

I am reachable at AIM: Trampled Webs or email:

May. 24th, 2014


Good evening Marvel Prep! Callie here with another character.

This is Alison Blaire, AKA Dazzler. Ali is everything you'd expect from someone whose codename is "Dazzler". She's outgoing, energetic, and all-around vivacious. She genuinely likes people, is interested in a variety of things, and has enough determination/ambition to do anything she sets her mind to. Before coming to Xavier's, she was briefly famous (not HUGE, but big enough) and beginning her dreams of pop stardom. She went on tour, she had a CD, she was happy. At least until she decided to come out as a mutant and her label ended up kicking her off. Now she's trying to create a second CD from scratch and just wants to figure out these powers better. Ali will talk your ear off, she will have vain moments, and she will have moody diva-fits (artist's feel everything more deeply, after all) You'll be hard pressed to find a better friend than her, however, as she's a fierce ally. Her profile is here for a better description.

She needs some of those aforementioned friends (as I'm playing like she's been at school for a year almost), flings, exes, people she might clash with, etc. Gimme everything!

P.S. Please run the FRIEND BUTTON!

May. 19th, 2014


Hello Marvel Preppers. It's James with a brand new character I've been saving up for a while now. Ladies and gents, this is Adrian Toomes. A legend in the world of technology and business. He started his own company over 50 years ago, developing technology for airplanes, the government and even SHIELD. It slowly expanded into a business empire. Maybe not the size of Stark but it certainly has it's logo on a lot of stuff. Adrian Toomes has become well known as being a shrewd business man but with a sort of....mysterious stranger charm. His personal life is virtually unknown, and are surrounded in rumors.

Something else known about Adrian is that he himself designed a suit that allowed him to fly and give him super strength. Without the need for power cells or thrusters like the Iron Man suit. Naturally this suit raised a lot of eyebrows and everyone wanted to get their hands on it. Adrian didn't let it out of his sight and never sold off the designs. One company tried to send in a spy to Toomes' Electronics to steal the suit. A few days later that spy was dropped out of the sky from 2000 feet and landed on the rival company's CEO's mercedes. Suddenly other rival CEO's started to turn up dead. Some from old age, some from mysterious causes. And Adrian would step in, buy out the companies, expanding his business empire and make a fortune off the dead's remains. This earned the man the nickname The Vulture.

Knowing that the only man on earth who had a completely silent flying suit had enemies dying was a bad PR move, Adrian's own company slowly forced him out. He still makes a fortunes from Toomes' Electronics, but Adrian is nothing more than a figurehead now. In order to keep himself entertained, Adrian has joined up with the one CEO who never tried to steal his designs and still believes that Adrian may not have actually killed those CEO's. Howard Stark.

Now Mr. Toomes is a teacher at the Stark school. Good luck kids. You're going to need it.


May. 15th, 2014


Hello everyone! I'm Callie and brand spankin' new here (obviously)

Briefly about me: I live in Washington, D.C., I work during the day Monday-Thursday but my Fridays are freeee for character whoring, I'm on most evenings and weekends, I'm slightly addicted to X-Men and character making, and I can be entirely random. I'm already compiling ideas for future characters, so there's that. XD I'll put the character under a cut to save space now hehehe

Mirage )

Dani needs ALL THE THINGS. Friends (both new and those who have worked and gotten past her tough exterior already), people she doesn't get along with, people who are products of her flirtatious side, etc! I'm excited to get going here and welcome all the plots! :)

May. 12th, 2014


Lady In Red

Hello MP!

This is Brett With #5, Elektra Natchios. Most of you know the story. Tragedy robbed her of her family one member at a time. She was recruited by the Hand and became a ruthless killer. All of those things, until SHIELD extracted her from the cell that was training Elektra. She has an odd mix of skills and social exposure, as the daughter of the Greek Ambassador to the U.S., and before that, the U.K. As a boarding school Greek Orthodox girl. Then a deadly ninja.

Her whole life she has been manipulated and molded for other people's purposes, but for the first time, thanks to SHIELD and the Stark school, her destiny is unclear. Shadowy forces aren't done fighting to get her back, but they can't reach her as easily now.

Please feel free to check out her backstory and abilities, and click the friends button!

So, who'd like to get our webs of intrigue tangled? :)


May. 4th, 2014


New Character

Ahoy all! Marissa here bringing my sixth character. This time it is one of my all-time favorite Marvel characters, Amara Aquilla aka Magma.

I'm bringing her in as fresh as possible, meaning that she's coming to Xavier's from her home town of Nova Roma (an anachronistic Roman colony nestled in the Brazilian rainforest). One of the Xavier teachers is picking her up currently! She speaks good enough English to get by but will need some help getting caught up on modern technology. (Basically, this is her face right now.)

Amara's one tough cookie. She's a trained fighter and is coming to Xavier's school to learn about her developing volcano powers. She's going to be a sophomore next year. Full profile is located here.

Friends? :D

P.S. Please run the FRIEND BUTTON!

Apr. 29th, 2014


here comes new challenger.

Hey everyone!

This is Jan and I am bringing you, fresh from the SHIELD operative program, Sharon Carter aka Agent 13. She's going to be teaching American History at Stark's. While she's known as a teacher she is not currently outed as an agent...assigned to keep an eye on Steve and prospective SHIELD agents. You know how Fury rolls. Her profile can be found here.

Anywho. plooooooooooooots gimme. <3


P.S. Please run the FRIEND BUTTON!


Meet the Teach

Hello everyone!

Meet Mahr, strange visitor from a another planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. The Kree once viewed Earth as a backwater planet in their territory, and so did the Skrull, and a conflict grew that forced Mahr, once a spy for his people, to step up and help Earth defend against a war that was not theirs.

He defected from his own people, becoming a champion known as Captain Marvel, a hero that, while not human, has come to love the people of Earth. He's been keeping on eye on our stellar backyard since that day, but has just been asked to step in and help... teach?

Mahr is aware that there are a few aliens in the mix at the schools, as well as those humans gifted with powers of their own, and he's there to represent the outside voice while he tries to figure out those strangest aliens of all: teenagers.

On his planet, there is no definable group like teenagers. Children don't even truly get a childhood, trained from a very young age to carry out whatever task their family has been doing for generations. He can stave off a space invasion, but can he win against the students? Only time will tell.

Mahr teaches Astronomy, Phys Ed, and Geometry, along with assisting in coaching efforts as needed. All of his cultural references are dated from his time infiltrating humanity, meaning if it's not from the 80's he's going to feel a bit lost.

Say hi to the resident alien staffer? :)


Helllllllo friends! It is Lisa who, after swearing she wouldn't cap out, couldn't help herself but to do it again.

So this time I present to you Namorita Prentiss but, as her journal name says, she really prefers just "Nita." Even though she's new for me, she's been at school for a few months now. She's at Stark and is a very, very proud Atlantean. She doesn't hide it now, which she did have to do when she first came to land and wasn't at such an open minded school.

She tries to be open-minded, especially about surface dwellers. She greatly differs from the great Namor in that way.

The most obvious thing that your characters will notice about her are her ears, her winged ankles, and the fact that she spends a lot of time in the pool!

OH ALSO!!! Her roommate is Yelena and she is a member of the Banner Brigade

P.S. Please run the FRIEND BUTTON!

Apr. 14th, 2014


It's another character intro!

HEY THERE, EVERYONE. Carrie here bringing in character #6. This is Bullseye, or I guess, he has to go by Lester around these parts. FOR NOW.

So aside from having a SPOOKY perfect accuracy with his throw, Lester is, uh, y'know, not exactly well in the noggin (read: he's a psychopath). Especially not ever since his brother burnt their house down in a murder-suicide pact to off himself and their parents. Fun time was not had by Lester, man. So then, things happened, yada yada, he totally threw a baseball at someone's head and gave that guy with brain damage. Then SHIELD happened and now he's here at the Stark school. Under house arrest until further notice, on Xorn's squad, and sharing a bath with Flash and Phil, haaahaaaa.

That's Lester in simple terms. I'm excited to have him start interacting with all the lovely, lovely, much more sane people around the schools. :D

Please remember to hit the FRIEND BUTTON if you haven't already!

Apr. 13th, 2014


Hello children, mama's home. And by that I mean, it is I! James the lovable tramp! With a new character!

This is Margali Morgana Sodrazs, the newest staff member at the Xavier school. She's not exactly...a softy. Pretty harsh but not without the ability to have fun in her own weird way, which often is a bit more of a sadistic nature. Morgana is a very powerful sorceress. We're talking incredibly powerful magic here that even rivals that of the good Dr. Strange over at the Stark school. The only thing is, Morgana's magic is a bit more on the dark side, and because she had a bit of an addiction problem in her past, she needs to watch how much magic she dips in to.

Something that should probably be noted is that Morgana is actually the MOTHER of one of the Xavier students! Dun dun duuunnnn!!!
More on that as the story unfolds. She is the new co-leader of the Charlie's Angels squad with Lady Jaq, so be ready kids, because Miss Sodrazs likes to keep her team on their toes.

Introduce herself to the sorceress supreme and hit the FRIEND BUTTON for the fifth time today!


+ 1 tiny spy

There is no possible way this will end badly.

Hey everyone! Aura here, introducing the fabulous, infamous and dangerous Yelena Belova. She's sixteen, a held back sophomore, a super deadly and highly trained spy and also a ridiculous pain in the butt. A couple of years in SHIELD prison and a vigorous mind scrubbing will certainly change someone. She's a Starkie, ironically enough considering she tried to get a few people from there killed back in the day (which you are free to remember and mention if your character was around that time) but her memories are basically a big blurry maze of vaguely bad feelings and restless training. No reason to let it slip so easily though.

Team wise she is with The Usual Suspects, which is kind of ironic (hi Bucky~) and room wise she's alone right now, which is good.

And her app is here because I'm on my cell and I can't write all that I want about how messed up she is. Read up!

P.S. Please run the FRIEND BUTTON!

Apr. 9th, 2014



Hey guys! Nat here with baby number... 6? Yeah! So much for the whole "I'll only have two characters, I don't have time for more".

Anyway meet Daniel Thomas Rand, aka Iron Fist, only he's not ACTUALLY Iron Fist, yet. He's pretty chill, but a total dude. Loves snowboarding and surfing, hates grumpy or negative people and totally does all his homework. He's pretty intense when it comes to training, but he's a good kid.

Also he's technically a monk, so there's that too, as well as him being brought up the last few years in China. He's pretty up to date on what has been going on though, and there's been a few news stories that caught his eye, as well as some youtube videos of vigilante heroes in NYC. Which is basically why he's here, to learn from all you badasses and be awesome.

Scenes, threads, friendships, HMU!



Hello bbs! Ally here with my second baby. Introducing the lovely Susan Storm aka Invisible Girl. She is Johnny Storm's sister and a junior at Stark's. She is brilliant above all else, a little socially awkward, and has a giant heart. She has an obvious and awkward crush on Reed, and spends a lot more time thinking and overthinking than she does intreacting with other people.

Sooooo plot??? I'm up for anything so let me know! And mash that friend button!

xoxo Ally (Cessily/Susan)

PS: OH! So like Johnny, she's been at Stark's for about a year, but has kinda just been in the background/lab/library/outofthespotlightkthx.

Apr. 1st, 2014


New Character!

Greetings from the Great Beyond, guys! Brett back with yet another muse invading MP!

Meet my newest character. You may recognize him, and his penchant for purple, fancy hats and a ravenous appetite.

No, not the Blob. Not Chris Christie, either.

Galactus! Survivor of a lost species known as the “Taa”, Galan wandered the cosmos, a force of nature, feasting on countless planets and killing untold numbers of sentient beings. Until he decided he wanted a change. With the assistance of the Grand Scientists of Zenn La, Galactus changed his destiny, reducing his massive size with the cosmic equivalent of lap band surgery. Now, forced to hide from the vengeful survivors of his terrible hunger, he has come to Earth, youthful and seeking a a fresh start as a Freshman at the Stark school campus.

Apart from an addiction to New York Style pizza, he has managed to control his great hunger, and seeks to learn what it means to be a normal person. A normal kid. With a big funky purple pronged helmet.

Please welcome Galan Taa.

Plots, lines, Bueller?

Mar. 26th, 2014


numero cinco


It's me Jan with my...fifth Starkie (and still no mutants...why do I have five characters?) Anywho, I'm bringing in Kate Bishop! She'll have just transferred to the school from Hawthorne Academy. She's a junior and will be finishing out here year at the school, yay. She's so thrilled, except not exactly to be here. Looks like she's rooming with Kelsey Leigh and is in New Wave. (hi u guise)

Currently, she's at Stark under the assumption that she's being recognized for playing the cello well, but obvs is just there so that other people can watch her for her dad. Yay. She's very social, does a lot of charity, and goes to a lot of parties for her dad for mingling when he's not up for it so, rich kids if you would like to know her, that would be awesome.

P.S. Please run the FRIEND BUTTON!

tldr; read the bold

Mar. 25th, 2014



Hey everybody! It's me, Cris, an older player with an old character that didn't get much play back then. I'm back, and I'm itching to get started! Meet Kurt, everyone's favorite blue'n fuzzy, who's just been rescued from the stake in Germany! Anyone looking for any lines, hit me up!

Mar. 19th, 2014


+1 Runaway Brat

Hey guys! Aura here with the one and only Molly Hayes, aka Princess Powerful aka Bruiser but not quite yet! She's an adorable pipsqueak with an overactive imagination, no brain to mouth filter and the ability to throw buildings at people! She also was involved in that whole escaping from evil parents that wanted to rule the world thing that happened years ago, and she's been itching to see her runaway friends for a good while, which is why Molly will be arriving shortly to Xavier's after having escaped from her latest foster house in order to get some answers.

What nobody told her was that none of her friends are at Xaviers. Or that they're all kind of graduating already. Oops? So Molly is kind of unwillingly enrolling herself in the school as a Freshman, which kind of sucks but definitely tops going back to some crappy house with some crappy fake parents.

Her app is here if you want to get more sweet deets, but otherwise COME AT ME BROS, give me all your love and plotting and eye rolls, Molly is by far the most hyperactive of my three girls and she will be making her presence known, both for better and for worse.

And don't forget about that FRIEND BUTTON too!

Mar. 6th, 2014


New Character!

Hey guys, Nat here with a new character.

Meet Kelsey Leigh, aka Lionheart! She's a Brit, a hero, and a miserable pain in the ass at the moment. She's been through some crap, and technically died once, and now she's at HSSoT to train up and learn to channel her hate and self loathing into being a badass.

Please try and chat with her, her bark's worse than her bite, and eventually she will open up!

Scenes, plots, anything hmu :D


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