Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Who: Alpha Flight, Loki, (Sif?)
NPCs: LOTS. Canadians, Members of Parliament, NPC Members of Alpha Flight (Guardian, Vindicator, Sasquatch, Talasim, Snowbird), ect.
When: March 28th, 2012
Where: Parliament Hill, Canada
What: Alpha Flight vs. Loki
Rating: I’m guessing PG-13

True North Strong And Free )
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Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

Who: Ananym (Witchfire)
NPCs: -
When: Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Where: Northern Canada, the mountainside near Loki's cabin hideaway
What: A sorceress and a god meet
Rating: PG-13

This was something that only he could contend with... )
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Thursday, March 1st, 2012

Who: Loki and Sif
NPCs: Various Asgardians
When: Thursday, March 1 - by the reckoning of Midgard
Where: First Loki's home, then Asgard!
What: Loki and Sif go home for a visit!
Rating: PG-13

Come... )
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Monday, February 20th, 2012

Dun dun dun~

Who: Carol Danvers and Loki Laufeyson
NPCs: Chewbacca the Cat
When: Sunday, February 12, 2012 [backdated to the day of the baseball game]
Where: Carol and Thor's house, upstate New York
What: Loki pays Carol a visit - nothing good can come of this.
Rating: Medium-ish

Now, here she was, bored and lonely, snuggling the cat on the couch, not realizing what kind of sinister machinations were about to be set in motion.  )

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Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Who: Loki (Open to Sif, if she wants)
NPCs: --
When: Wednesday, January 31)
Where: Loki's cabin, in the Great White North
What: Loki contemplates his next move
Rating: PG

Loki is disappointed.... )
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Sunday, January 15th, 2012

Who: Loki, Sif
When: 1/9/12 - backdated
Where: New York street
What: Sif turns to Loki
Rating: PG-13 for now...

Sif hated being undecided. )
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Friday, December 16th, 2011


Who: Rogue and open to Avengers, X-Men, Asgardians and SHIELD!
NPCs: --
When: Friday, December 16, 2011 - evening
Where: The Brooklyn Bridge and then Manhattan
What: Rogue goes off the deep, literally, is confronted by the above and eventually taken into custody.
OOC: No posting order, feel free to make a sub-thread if necessary, go nuts, plz.
Rating: R

This was just like falling asleep. )

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Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

Who: Emma Frost and Loki
NPCs: --
When: Monday, December 12, 2011, early evening - backdated
Where: Emma Frost's office, Frost International World Headquarters, Manhattan, NY - top floors! What a view!
What: Emma Frost "teaches Loki about the true meaning of Christmas." (Its in quotes, so you know its a euphemism for S-E-X.)
Rating: R? Possibly NSFW?

Utter mine name, and I shall appear beside thee. )

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Monday, December 12th, 2011

To: 'Enchantress Wannabe'
From: 'The Mighty God of Mischief'
Date: December 12th, 2011

You have [1] unread message )
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Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

Thread: Family reunion?

Who: Rogue!Thor and open to Loki and Sif!
NPCs: --
When: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - evening
Where: The skys! New York City!
What: THUNDERSNOW! Rogue throws a tantrum and then summons Loki.
Rating: PG

Thou art depleted of all thy pepperoni pizza? )

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Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

To: "Thor's mortal plaything"
From: "The God of Mischief"
Date: Monday, November 28, 2011

You have [1] unread message )
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Who: Loki, Sif
NPCs: -
When: Sunday, November 27
Where: Boldt Castle, Upstate New York
What: Loki is still looking for that elusive Tome, and Sif dares to stop him
Rating: PG-13, maybe more? There's going to be a rumble!

His search had led him here... )
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Thursday, November 10th, 2011

Who: Loki
NPCs: Bookstore owner
When: November 11, 2011
Where: East West Books,Greenwich Village - New York City
What: Loki is looking for something
Rating: PG-13 for violence

I don't know where it is... )
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Thursday, September 29th, 2011

Who: The Merc With The Mouth and The God of Mischief (Part three!)
When: September the 30th
Where: The Deadloft in NYC!
What: Wade is unwinding after a long day at the office. His pops swings by cause he has a surprise for him.
Rating: PGN for Pop Goes Nuts!

Let's try this again! )

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Friday, September 16th, 2011

Who: Loki and Amora
NPCs: --
When: Friday, September 16
Where: Loki's not so secret anymore thanks Deadpool cabin in Canada
What: Loki's first phone conversation
Rating: PG, possibly higher depending on content?

The small devise fitted neatly in the palm of Loki's hand, and the god of Mischief regarded it with some interest. It was procured the last time he was in the city, without knowledge of phone plans or even how it worked. Those details meant little to Loki, especially when you were a Sorcerer Supreme.

Holding his other hand above the smart phone, Loki cast the spell and tiny sparks of blue light shot from his curled fingertips. He then put the phone to his ear to hear it ring. As he waited for the other line to pick up, he casually inspected his finger nails.
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Thursday, September 15th, 2011

Who: Sif and Loki
Where: Asgard
When: Some time after the time travel plot
What: Loki returns to Asgard to bait Sif into coming to Earth

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Saturday, August 13th, 2011

Who: Carol Danvers and open to Medieval Time Travelers [Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Thor, Tink and/or Loki/Amora]
NPCs: Disgruntled Londoners (are there any other kind?)
When: 15th Century
Where: London, England (pip pip, cheerio)
What: Carol doing what Carol does best - pissing people off and getting herself accused of witchcraft.
Rating: PG-13?

I ain't gonna let you take her, I ain't. Not like the last one, this ones got all of her teeth. )

[Medieval Time Travelers!]
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Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

Who: Loki and OPEN to Time Traveling Characters
NPCs: Various, I'm sure
When: Wednesday, August 10
Where: Various times and places in history
What: Loki goes back into time to make mischief!
Rating: PG
Note: If you want Loki to come to where your character is and mess with them, tag here - Loki takes on all comers!

Loki would not be himself if he did not go where he does not belong... )
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Thursday, July 14th, 2011

Evil Lurks!

Who: Carol Danversdottir and Loki Laffeyson Odinson (but she doesn't know that yet.)
NPCs: --
When: Wednesday, July 12, 2011
Where: Carol's apartment, Brooklyn, NY
What: Carol is bumming around when Loki decides to stop for a visit and get more insight into Thor's living situation...amongst other things
Rating: PG?

Read more... )

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Thursday, July 7th, 2011

Who: Hercules, Thor, and anyone else who wants to witness the most epic battle in the course of human history.
NPCs: Michael Buffer
When: July 7th, 2011
Where: Madison Square Garden. 46 Pennsylvania Plaza (8th Avenue & 33rd Street), Manhattan, New York City, New York.
What: Hercules has laid the challenge down to Thor, to prove once and for all who the mightiest truly is.
Rating: TBD

Showcase of the Immortals. Seriously. )
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