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[02 Aug 2013|02:10am]
Who: The Avengers and West Coast Avengers
Where: Malibu Bluffs Park
When: [Backdated] 7/26/2013
What: Training
Ratings: PG-13 for violence

No longer a placeholder. LET'S DO THIS! )
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[02 Aug 2013|12:52pm]
Who: Iron Fist, Wolverine, Open to Sabretooth (a little later!)
What: While looking for the mysterious "bear" loose in NYC, Iron Fist runs into someone just as hairy as a bear, but a lot shorter-- though probably from the same part of Canada.
Where: NYC, NY
When: Thursday, August 1st [backdated because Allison am lame]
Rating: PG-13 - R depending on language.

Exit, pursued by bear )
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Lorna and Open [02 Aug 2013|08:26pm]
Who: Lorna and YOU
What: Hanging out around X-factor HQ
When: August 2 afternoon
Where: X-Factor WOOT

Come play. )
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Hisako and Open to WCA [02 Aug 2013|08:45pm]
Who: Hisako and open
What: Hisako is putzing around on her laptop trying to switch class times. This is very annoying, so come distract her.
When: August 2nd
Where: Retreat!

What would I give to go back and live in a dorm with a meal plan again! )
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