Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - November 17th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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November 17th, 2012

Looking for castmates [Nov. 17th, 2012|03:53 am]
Hi there!

I'm Diana and I'm playing Magneto over at [info]doors, a mixed OC/Panfan game. We've got a few X-Men from other verses playing, but I'd love to have a Charles, either also from XMFC where Erik is taken from or from later on in their history.

If Charles isn't for you, I'd also love to have other mutants, particularly Raven Darkholme or any of the kids from the school. A Mastermind would likewise be awesome.

Please note that I am not interested in picking up any PSLs at this time. Thank you!
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