Below is information about the "Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads" asylum on InsaneJournal. To join this asylum, click here. You may leave the asylum at any time.
GUIDELINES 1. Your RPG must be in a fandom(s) based on a comic book/graphic novel series. 2. PLAYERS! Place your personal character ads here. You can list the characters you're looking to play and mods can reply at will. 3. RPGs may be AU and may be combined genres/fandoms. 4. Please, only post once every WEEK. A week is a bit too long, but posting one community more than once a day may push others that have not yet been seen out of view. 5. Please no ads for PB games, or original genre/fandom games - stick to Marvel, DC, etc. 6. Advertise games that are being played on any site! Yahoo! Groups, GJ, LJ, IJ, Caleida, Blurty, message boards, etc.