Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - August 23rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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August 23rd, 2008

[Aug. 23rd, 2008|01:43 am]
Civil War: Brother against brother, friend against friend, and a whole lot of mutants caught in the middle.

When the Superhuman Registration Act was passed in July of 2008 things changed immediately. While some heroes stood for it, others were firmly against it, and as the two factions split down the middle those on the outside began to call it a Civil War. Iron Man stood for his government's policy, while for the first time, Captain America stood against it. The two men were friends, as most on either side were at the time, but all could see the sacrifices needed to be made for their cause. Registered and aligned with the government, Iron Man's strike force began working on systematically bringing in those heroes who stood in opposition to the new act. With the support and funding from Tony Stark's personal wealth they were near unstoppable.

Charles Xavier did his best to shelter his students from the budding conflict as he had during threats of a Mutant Registration Act, but they were inevitably pulled in when the government realised that there was a 'stronghold' of people with superhuman powers sitting in upstate New York. Those students who wished to register were allowed, but very few wished to do so. In the following events, Scott Summers and Ororo Munroe convinced Xavier that he needed to go into hiding, leaving the student and the school in their care. With the Professor secreted away, Scott and Ororo held onto the school for as long as they could before they were attacked for a second time, this time by federal officials. Scott and Ororo were forced to take the students and run.

They fled to Mutant Town, also known as District X of New York City. But their problems aren't completely solved. They may have Captain America's backing, but Iron Man and his army are still searching for them, and rumor has it that people just don't come back from the place they're taken when they're caught. Like all other unregistered heroes they now find themselves mingling with they have to be careful and focus on avoiding Ironman and SHIELD, while at the same time trying to somehow protest the Act that's changing their entire lives. How long can they stay hidden and how long will the Civil War continue to pit friends against friends?

[info]civilwarred is a game that deals with just that, Civil War. Focusing on the lives of the characters in the Marvel Universe, join us to explore how mutants, superheroes, and citizens alike, react to the restrictions and changes the Superhuman Registration Act forces on their lives.
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All this via: [info]agenting
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