Mon, Aug. 6th, 2007, 08:13 pm
[info]forcryinoutloud: Introduction

Welcome to [info]marshal_science!

This is a slash community for the pairing of Jack Carter and Nathan Stark from the SciFi Channel's EUREKA. All fanfic, fanart, discussion centered on Jack/Nathan are welcome here.

Multiple pairing fic is allowed, however Jack/Nathan must be the focus of your story, all other pairings must be background, incidental, or simply a stop on the way to Jack/Nathan.

All stories are expected to be labeled properly. No surprise pairings. If you have a pairing, or are hinting at a pairing, that must be included in your header. If you're writing something that may squick someone else, you need to include a warning. Check the user profile of the comm for a list of warnings that, if included in your story, MUST be warned for in your header. We don't all share the same kinks, so please be considerate and make sure your headers are as complete as possible.

There will be no flaming or bashing of any kind here. That means no flaming/bashing each other, and no flaming/bashing the actors or characters on Eureka. This is a Jack/Nathan community but we expect you to respect ALL of the characters/actors from the show, not just Jack (Colin)/Nathan (Ed).

The community is being modding by myself dragonbetween and laytoncolt. If you have any problems/concerns/comments/suggtions about the community or someone in it, please contact us. If you are having a disagreement with someone on the comm please do NOT air your disagreement on this comm, take it to your email or if absolutely necessary contact one of us to step in and mediate any disputes that cannot be resolved peacefully between all parties.

As I believe we are all capable of acting like mature, responsible adults, this community will be mostly self-moderated, meaning you're expected to moderate yourselves. If it is necessary we will step in when someone is doing/saying/posting something they shouldn't, however we are hoping that that won't be necessary.

I will create a post for each episode that has aired in season two, and each subsequent episode to come, and you will be free to discuss anything concerning that episode in the comments of that post. Please remember that not everyone has seen the new episodes yet so anything concerning season two should be placed behind an LJ cut and clearly marked a spoiler so you do not spoil anyone that does not wish to be spoiled.

The community has a list of tags available to choose from, fanfic, fanart, icons, fanvids, spoilers, episode discussions (as well as a few others), please use them where appropriate. Community members are not able to create new tags, however if you feel that we are missing an important tag feel free to contact us and if we feel it should be included in our tags list, we will add it.

We're both looking forward to seeing what this community can come up with to celebrate the hotness of Jack/Nathan, the snarkiest pairing in Eureka. *grins* Our hope is that this new community will bring exposure to this wonderful pairing and that we will grow and flourish together, exposing the wonder of Eureka to those poor unfortunate souls who have yet to succumb to its awesomenss! *grins*