Posts Tagged: 'alana'

Aug. 11th, 2014



What is this? This sure as hell isn't the space ship I went to sleep on. And I definitely didn't have a comm full of people complaining.

Annnnnd I feel like I'm going to puke again. I fucking hated morning sickness, and this repeat performance is not even remotely an encore I asked for.

Oh, you've got to be @#$%ing kidding me!

My name is Special Agent Washington, of the United Nations Space Command.

I've gone from marooned on some backwater U.N.S.C Colony to marooned on a spaceship? That's just...great. Considering I have just spent a few 'lovely' days stuck in armor lockdown, which was apparently triggered by the cryogenics, this is the first I've gotten a chance to look around.