[ Action | Open ]
14 April 2011 at 07:13 pm
Touma Kamijou
[ Some time after practice, it was time to clean up. Midori had roped Touma into carrying a bunch of things for her to the bathhouse, so that she could relax there. Not that he minded, because one public shower was about as good as the next, so he went along with it. ]

I'll be on this side, alright? [ He called over his shoulder, taking his own towel and body wash into the main shower area, while Midori went off to change elsewhere for privacy's sake.

Touma was already tossing his towel over the top of one of the stalls, and pulling the shirt over his head, when he realized that someone was using one of the others. Blinking, he looked over in that direction as the water cut off and the door opened. ]
Hey, I thought I said to use... the.... other... [ His expression froze as he continued to stare, unable to break his eyes away from what he saw. Oh, crap. ]

(ooc: It just isn't Touma without a walk-in every now and again. Whoops! Respective threads closed for Sasha (in the shower) and Rukia (changing room). Anything else is open to threadjacks from all participants, but if you want someone specific, put it in the subject? Thank you! ♥)
[action/video] [Backdated to earlier in the day]
14 April 2011 at 09:50 pm
[Feferi's spent most of her time at Marina on the beach- and even more time with her goggles on. Well, when the video feed flashes on this time, the goggles make sense, because it looks like she's just gone for a swim in the water. There are also a nice amount of extraordinary sand castles, the kind with towers and moats and little windows and everything. And a mesh bag never a bucket of seashells that she's collected.]

You all should flounder on over and play with me! There's a lot of reely exciting things to do on the beach, and I promise not to be a grumpy gills! It'll be fun!