August 4th, 2010

[info]manchester_mod in [info]manchester_ooc

New Players and Characters!

Hey all! We have two new players: Shrew and Pandora. They are bringing us Carly Doe and Yanagi Moritonde, respectively. Please update your friends list here and welcome them to the game!

[info]willowy_angel in [info]manchester_ooc

New Player/Character

Hey everyone, I'm Pandora/Panda/Pandie/whatever variation of that you want to use, and I'm the owner of Yanagi, an angel. She's sweet and easy-going, and would love a friend or two (or eight), but she's painfully shy. She's a member of the swim team and is an excellent archer.

I'm really excited to be a part of this game and can't wait to play with all of you. If anyone wants plots, feel free to drop me a line!