July 13th, 2010

[info]stoic_dhivael in [info]manchester_ooc

New Character!

Hey, everyone!

Kathryn ((mun of Jia Li [info]leaves_of_ash)) here with an all new character!

Her name is Dhivael ir-Elehu t'Vrenak, and she's an extraterrestrial from the planet ch’Havran in a distant galaxy. She's come to Earth with the intention of studying the humanoids that inhabit it along with their emotions and their cultures. See, the people from her planet don't feel emotions as closely as humans of Earth. They only feel emotions distantly. They pushed emotion on the back burner centuries upon centuries ago in favor of increasing intelligence to what it is today. That's why they're so technologically advanced that they can travel from their planet to Earth.

Anyway, millions of years ago when Neanderthals were still present on Earth, it's believed that a ship containing Dhivael's race of people and their sister races crashed on this planet, so their people have been studying any possible connections between the humanoids of Earth and those of the planet ch'Havran and sister planets. After all, the people of Earth do look a great deal more like her people than Neanderthals. =3

Anyway, yeah. Anticipate many amusingly awkward moments where Dhivael offends without meaning to do so or where she seems incredibly naive on her quest to understand emotions and the strange humanoids of Earth.