Making Queer as Folk
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Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

    Time Event
    Continuity issues
    So, let's talk QaF continuity issues.

    I've noticed a bunch of them, but I'm always distracted by Brian's avocado and peanut butter jar juggling act in 202 when Jen's asking him to take Justin. He goes from cutting the avocado to opening the peanut butter jar (without any movement in between) and putting the lid and the jar down, back to cutting the avocado while the jar is magically sitting there closed again, more cutting the avocado while the jar is magically sitting there open again, to opening the peanut butter jar and putting the lid down again.

    Is there one that never ceases to amuse or irritate you?
    Scenic QaF scenes
    I am always struck by the incredible beauty of the scene in 119 of Jack's burial in the snow-covered cemetery. They not only got very lucky with the unusual weather, but the director and DP did a great job of shooting it so as to optimize how gorgeous it looked.

    Anyone else have a favorite scene wherein you think the scenery or the skill of the director and/or cinematographer made for a particularly beautiful tableau?

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