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THREAD: Danger, Septima, Benjy [24 Oct 2007|06:49am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]deoppressoliber)

Who: "Danger" Diggle, Septima, Benjy
When: 4:00 AM Wednesday Morning, Oct. 24, 1976
Where:  The Halls of Hogwarts
Rating: TV-14 (L) for plausibly Strong Coarse Language
Summary: Danger contemplates running away...and something happens to make him act otherwise (be it good or bad!)

At 4:00 AM, the world looked completely different  )

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RP: HannahJo and Ronnie [24 Oct 2007|10:46pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]liondrops)

who → HannahJo and Ronnie
what → greenhouse meeting. Ronnie explains things that are 'odd' to HannahJo
when → Wednesday Evening
where → The Greenhouses
status → Incomplete

Her voice was slightly off key, but the lyrics were there. She was just too absorbed to think about what they might mean )
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a flurry of owls [24 Oct 2007|11:43pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]daisyaubergine)

Owl to Alberta Hookum )

Owl to Roderick Hookum )
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Inter-Office Memo [24 Oct 2007|11:55pm]

MLE Memo to Amelia Bones )
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[ viewing | October 24th, 2007 ]
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