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Dedalus Diggle and Elaine Campbell [25 Oct 2007|02:22am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]fieldofstars)

Who: Dedalus Diggle and Elaine Campbell
Where: Astronomy Tower
What: They both need to think, and somehow both end up at the Astronomy Tower. So they talk.
When: Wednesday evening, before Elaine's journal entry.
Rating: PG-ish?
Status: AIM log, complete

Perhaps, just perhaps, we both let our worse halves get the best of us )
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Badger Army [25 Oct 2007|07:14pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]thethestral)

who → Hufflepuffs (Interested in the Badger Army, which should be ALL OF THEM)
what → Badger Army Meeting
when → Thursday Night
where → Hufflepuff Common Room
status → Incomplete

Can you hear the Slytherins sing? No, No. I can't hear a bloody thing! )
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[ viewing | October 25th, 2007 ]
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