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rp log - deshan and flora [14 Oct 2007|12:11am]

WHO Deshan Patil and Florence Anweller
WHEN Saturday, lunchtime
WHERE 7th-year boys' dorm, Gryffindor tower
WHAT Flora finally manages to sneak into Deshan's room and attempts to bring him a little comfort that he needs.

He was supposed to take care of her, according to his mother. But who was going to take care of him? )
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RP Thread: Emmeline Vance & Lucinda Vance [14 Oct 2007|12:17pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]luciwannabe)

WHO Lucinda & Emmeline Vance
WHEN Sunday, Afternoon
WHERE Hogwarts Library
WHAT The Sisters have a meeting of the minds for Masquerade costumes
RATING In Process

So instead she headed towards a back corner table where she could spread out all of her books and parchments and also she and Em would be able to talk without much disturbance )
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Theresa & Vin [14 Oct 2007|03:13pm]

WHO: Theresa Yaxley and Vin Viridian
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: The Library
WHAT: Theresa was supposed to tutor someone, and they didn't show so she's got a few hours to kill until supper.
STATUS: Unfinished.
Height is so overrated. Unless you need something off the top shelf. )
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RP Thread: Bev Malkin and Severus Snape [14 Oct 2007|04:32pm]
[ mood | determined ]


WHO Bev Malkin and Severus Snape
WHEN Sunday after lunch
WHERE An empty Charms classroom
WHAT Getting Sev's measurements and brainstorming for his dress robes.
RATING Unfinished.

Armed with pins, measuring tape, yards of fabric and basting charms... )

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Narcissa, Severus, Lucius, Belle [14 Oct 2007|07:51pm]

Who: Severus, Lucius, Belle, and Narcissa
Where: Slyth common room
When: Tonight
What: Sev gets a wee lesson in asking girls out

Rating: PG at worst
Status: Incomplete (threaded)

The poor chap had looked queasy all day )
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RP Log [14 Oct 2007|09:56pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]adventurefiend)

Who: Florece Anweller and Roland Williamson
When: Sunday 14 Oct 1976; afteroon time
Where: By the shores of Hogwarts loch
Rating: PG
Summary: Wanting to talk, Florence instructed Roland to meet her in the Entrance Hall for a walk. The talk about something important and something gets decided.

Let's finish our walk, and we can probably find a good tree to sit under if we're lucky. )
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rp thread; bellatrix and rodolphus (Backdated) [14 Oct 2007|10:09pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]portionforfoxes)

Who: Bellatrix Black and Rodolphus Lestrange
Where: Bellatrix's home.
When: June; 1968.
What: A scheduled meeting; a slightly supervised date, if you will, that becomes quite a bit more.
Rating: PG
Status: Completed.


Honestly if he wants to marry me, I think that he should see me at my finest. )
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Peter & Veronica [14 Oct 2007|11:01pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]droppingeaves)

who → Peter and Veronica
what → Peter reads his journal from the previous few days and needs clarification ...
when → Sunday evening
where → Library (to start)
warnings → could get a little high, depending on how the conversation goes.
status → Incomplete

insert witty line here; musical, cultural, or philosophical )
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