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RP Thread: Hannah Jo Boardman and Meghan McCormack [13 Oct 2007|10:08pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]highland_keeper)

Who: Hannah Jo and Meg (Go ahead and mock me for posting it in Meg's journal xD)
What: Meg offers hot cocoa after a Day From Hell, and is going to try and cheer her up.
When: Afternoon - after Hannah Jo's post
Where: Gryffindor common room

Meg has a stash! )
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Owl to Deshan Patil [13 Oct 2007|11:30pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]amalashope)

Owl to Deshan Patil )
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[ viewing | October 13th, 2007 ]
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