The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 10th, 2017

March 10th, 2017

Happy 57th Birthday, Remus Lupin!

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Our favourite werewolf is still pretty young by Wizarding standards! At least, that's how my math works. What about you? Is Remus past his prime today?

It will be a full moon on Sunday. How do you think Remus celebrates a full moon birthday? How would Severus handle Remus' birthday on a full moon?

One of our authors has been writing a birthday series for Remus and Severus for many years now. I won't name her, just in case this is the first one she misses, but I challenge you to respond to her post when it goes up. Her dedication to her story and our guys is one of the best presents Remus (and the rest of us) could receive.

Any birthday response is welcome in reply here or on the community. And please celebrate Remus for the rest of March!
(If you need ideas, recs are always welcome!)

love, lore
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