The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 17th, 2014

December 17th, 2014

Fiction: Beginning to Look a Lot Like Catmas by midlagedfangirl

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OK, everyone, I know the holiday season is reaching a crescendo, which means if you have time to view/read entries, it's even more important that you leave a comment so the creators know someone is out there. If you don't normally leave comments, give the gift of one to a Snupin Santa creator, please. You can reply at the archive or on any of the community notice posts, and that includes anonymous comments. If you've been commenting, thank you so much for supporting your Snupin Santas!

Title: Beginning to Look a Lot Like Catmas

Author: midlagedfangirl

Summary: Remus and Severus and their new pets have an adventure.

Rating: On the Nice List (G)

Genres: Established Relationship

Era: 1998-onward: After the Second War

Word count: 4036

Warnings: Excessive Soppiness

Notes: Follows my story “New Additions.” Just ignore that I’ve jumped from the summer in the first to Christmas in the second, OK?
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