The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 10th, 2014

March 10th, 2014

Happy Birthday, Remus! +Snupin Santa news

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Remus officially doesn't want me to remind you of how old he is. However, he said that he is not above accepting chocolate and steamy creative works of what Severus would do for his special day. Being the gentle greedy soul that he is, Remus said to take your time coming up with your offerings; maybe even the rest of the month.

Yes, I will run one last Snupin Santa, which will be its 10th anniversary! You have all year to create, that's it. Snupin Santa has always been multi-media, so your creations need not be limited to stories and art. If you want to solicit prompts from the community members, make a post here and ask for them. This Snupin Santa is made to be no muss, and no fuss. If you want in on this very last one, send something in, and if you don't, you don't.

There is a hard deadline of November 15 and I will not beta for anyone after September 1. What you send and when you send it is up to you; it will go up as-is. I don't plan on getting much help to run this (some, don't run, elves!), and I refuse to spend December editing, uploading and sweating last-minute submissions. As this will be Snupin Santa's last hurrah, I'd like to spend it celebrating with you all instead of feverishly working behind the scenes.

It's not easy to let something you love so much go. You're all going to help me with that by turning in amazing Lupin/Snape work that I can fuss over, right? Right! I'll flesh this out later, but for now, you have 9 months. I hope to see many old and new faces this year!

With much love, lore

Secret Weapon

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Title: Secret Weapon
Author: [info]alisanne
Word Count: 100 x 2
Rating: PG
Challenge: Written for [info]snupin100's prompt #453: Kreacher.
This is the next in my Snupin School Days Series. The various parts so far are: Extra Assignment (LJ/IJ/DW), Solving the Mystery (LJ/IJ/DW), Homecoming (LJ/IJ/DW), and Lawbreaking (LJ/IJ/DW).
Characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, Regulus Black.
Betas: [info]sevfan and [info]emynn.
Authors Notes: AU. Severus calls in reinforcements.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Read Secret Weapon on LJ/IJ/DW.
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