The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 24th, 2013

October 24th, 2013

Snupin Santa Prompts are Still Available!

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Hello fellow Snupin Lovers,

This is completely unofficial, but I wanted to remind everyone that Snupin Santa's prompts are still up for grabs. There are a tremendous number of really great prompts just waiting to find a home with some imaginative creator. Many of them are drabble/drawble prompts which really don't take that much time.

So if you've been wanting to give it a try, please don't hesitate any longer. Selfishly, come December, I want lots of Snupiny goodness to keep me warm. I'll bet you do, too. So come on and join in! You know you want to...

Here's where to go to be a part of this year's Snupin Santa... Prompt Claiming Here

Ho, Ho, Ho! ;D
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