The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 10th, 2013

March 10th, 2013

Happy Birthday, Remus + March Challenge, etc.

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First, Happy Birthday, Remus Lupin! You're 53 today, which in Wizarding years means you just might be entering middle-age. Let's assume Severus has cured your lycanthropy by now. ^_^

Remus' birthday is always on-topic all March long, but in addition, the challenge for the remainder of the month will be:

Lambs and Lions (Twilight crossovers optional)

Let's face it, before vampires sparkled, we had a wolf who wore lamb's clothing and a snake hiding a lion's heart. Or something like that; it all depends on how you interpret Remus and Severus. And that's your challenge for the month, to think outside the box and interpret Lambs and/or Lions to write a drabble or story or create art, essays, discussions or any other posts you can imagine.

Challenge ends March 31, but, as always, if you post later, your entry will always be welcome.

As a reminder, we have "zmember" tags now. If you want to go back through the community and tag your posts with "zmember: yourusername", or just start using the tag from now on, please feel free. You'll have to poke me if you weren't in Snupin Santa to make the tag "real". Tags that aren't validated by me will remain invisible until I mess with them, but if you add it, the tag is still there, if invisible. Also, once a tag is visible, any member is welcome to add zmember tags to old posts you might visit.

Finally, I will continue to make challenge prompt tags, even when there's only one entry, such as February's "Kiss, Kill, Combined". If I missed your entry, please let me know!

love, lore
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