The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 4th, 2012

November 4th, 2012

Beta Help Needed

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I'll start by saying I'm a returning SnuSa participant and I'm actually looking for a second beta here before I go begging the mods for an extension of time to get my fic back from the first beta. I have worked with a beta already for the majority of the story - the plot's been discussed, details and tidbits tossed about, a few sentences/paragraphs proofed here and there, but the final version is going out to that beta (who is not a member of this comm, but highly versed in HP) by 6am Pacific time on Monday 11/5, as we had previously planned. I'm a bit nervous because I also haven't heard from my beta in far longer than usual and my educated guess is because of Superstorm Sandy. (I know the beta and their family are okay from a short text, but not much more than that.)

So, I'm looking for a second beta to send the fic to at the same time I send it to my first beta. Plot and story structure should NOT be issues for me and spelling errors should be extremely minimal - previous betas usually found errors in verb tenses in my work more than spelling and grammar errors. I do want a beta over 18 and okay with something that might be in the R/NC-17 rating because of graphicness and kinks - I recommend checking out the fics (not the drabbles - those are 'softer' compared to my fics) on my InsaneJournal for examples.

I will keep comments screened to keep the anonymity of who replies and who eventually betas. I can also be reached via gmail with this username, too. I am crossposting this to both IJ and LJ, too.

The Night of the Giving Dead [R] (SS/RL; DM/HP)

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The Night of the Giving Dead

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus ; Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Summary: A Halloween movie night is filled with laughs, scowls, and a few howls.
Challenge: [info]severus_sighs’s Halloween Challenge
Word Count: 1,319
Genre: Alternate Universe; Post Second Voldemort War; Romance; Humour
Warnings: Slash; Undead
A/N: For the folks of [info]severus_sighs and the laughter [info]roozeteer often inspires within me. Many thanks to my beta, [info]badgerlady for the kind, and speedy, look-see. Originally posted here at [info]severus_sighs on IJ by the lovely mods.

Who knew the popped kernels could fly like that?
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