The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 31st, 2012

July 31st, 2012


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I haven't been able to access Snupin Santa archives for the last two days....has anyone else had that problem?  Thanks for your input!

Guest Mod, Remix Challenge for all

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Stasia is taking over challenge mod duties for August and September. She doesn't have an account here, so we could both use someone willing to post links here back to the LiveJournal mod posts about Stasia's challenge. Anyone want to help with that?

Second, she's made an announcement about her challenge: Remix!

Read about it on LJ
and consider participating, either by offering your early works for remixing or making a claim on one!

I'm going to let Stasia get started before I make a poll about Snupin Santa to gauge interest and help.

Official Chat

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Since it is Harry's birthday and the series has been around for 15 years now, in England at least, it seems fitting to have a chat commemorating our love, and occasional annoyance, with the world and the characters in it. With this in mind I welcome all of you to wander into chat in ~4 hours so we can all talk about the series that is so near and dear to our hearts. Favorite characters (I fully suspect there will be a lot of votes for our boys :P ), favorite plot-lines, favorite bits of dialog, favorite scenes, what have you, come and share them! Annoyances and disappointments are also open for discussion, likely there will be people who agree with you! It is my hope that people lurking and active members alike will join in the discussion. If you have questions as to what an offical chat entails or how to get into chat please comment on this post and I will answer you as soon as I can. :)
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