The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 28th, 2012

June 28th, 2012

So We Begin Again

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Title: So We Begin Again
Author: Midlagedfangirl
Rating: Mature/Adult Content
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Challenge: HPPS

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Someday I Will

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Title: Someday I Will
Summary: Severus’ thoughts on the day of and during the final battle assuming he and Remus were an item when Severus murdered Albus. Not a happy fic. Companion piece with “This is How You Remind Me” which is Remus’ side of things found here:
Pairings: Severus/Remus, Remus/Dora
Disclaimer: If you think any of these characters are mine please tell me what world you live in so I can move there posthaste! “Someday” by Nickleback is not mine but I wish it was! :D Parts of it are at the end as it was what gave me the idea and I listened to it far too many times while writing this.
Rating: PG-13 for mild cursing and cannon character death
AN: This is entirely unbetaed so any remaining errors are of course mine despite my own attempts to clean it up, feel free to point out any issues. :)
Warnings/kinks: This is NOT my usual fare! This is sad and there IS canon character death in it, you have been warned!
Author: [info]azure_rosa

Someday I Will )
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