The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 23rd, 2012

April 23rd, 2012

The Potions Master and the Not-So-Big-Bad Wolf; PG-13

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Title: The Potions Master and the Not-So-Big-Bad Wolf: A Fractured Fairytale
Author/Artist: [info]shadowycat
Rating: PG-13, mostly for some suggestive language
Genre: Hopefully humourous parody
Word Count: ~4835 give or take
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Story Summary: A very loose adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood complete with stinging plants, babbling ropes, missing assistants, and a whole lot of other silliness.
Artwork Medium: Pencil on Paper
Disclaimer: They're not my characters, but I love playing with them anyway. :)

Many, many thanks to my wonderful beta [info]bonfoi for her help, encouragement, and her shining example of improvisational silliness of the very best sort! My admiration for her talent knows no bounds.

The Potions Master and the Not-So-Big-Bad Wolf

The Scent of a Wizard [PG13]

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The Scent of a Wizard
~ Or ~
The Werewolf, the Witch & The Man in the Red Hood

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Summary: Dreaded Bella the Black has a genteel werewolf that won't bite and doesn't guard her land. Which could be why the mysterious man in red does what he does.
Word Count: 1,873
Genre: Alternate Universe; Magical Fairy Tale
Warnings: none
A/N: [info]shadowycat was having trouble with a piece of art she was creating and in an effort to make her smile, this little fic came about. The majority of it was written during a visit to [info]lupin_snape chat. FYI: She was in the midst of creating The Potions Master and the Not-So-Big-Bad Wolf; A Fractured Fairytale. I recommend everyone go over and peek at the wonderful story and the drawing she created.

Hey, there, nosy Red Riding Hood, you sure do smell real good...
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