The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 26th, 2012

March 26th, 2012

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Another rec....from the daily deviant here ... It's not all Lupin/Snape you have to wade through (only 4200 words total) Harry/Neville and George/Pansy, but it's soo hot and Severus is at his Slytherin best!

The Difference a Year Can Make

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Title: The Difference a Year Can Make

Summary: Minerva decides to uncover an old Valentine's Day tradition among the single staff members, the drawing of names to create couples for the year, Severus is not pleased.

Pairings: Friendship Severus/Remus Pre-slash, implied previous Tonks/Remus.

Disclaimer: If you think any of these characters are mine please tell me what world you live in so I can move there posthaste!

Rating: pg?

Warnings/kinks: Hints of matchmaking!Minerva, Teddy and thus implied Tonks/Remus

Author: [info]azure_rosa

Beta: The lovely [info]carolinelamb, all remaining errors are due to my inability to stop fiddling with things after she's fixed them.

AN: I've been trying to finish this story for months! Originally it was going to be my contribution for the Comm's February challenge, then it was going to be for Remus' birthday and obviously I failed epically at managing either so yay for random ficcage?

The Difference a Year Can Make )
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