The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 22nd, 2012

March 22nd, 2012

Anyone up for a random drabble night?

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I'm at the physically tired, bored and can't sleep anymore end of a stomach bug and Ellie mentioned she wanted to do a bit of drabbling tonight so is there any interest from our fellow snupineers? We were thinking of starting at 4 P.M. Pacific time (7 P.M. Eastern). About 3 hours from now in other words. As always it is going to be quite casual, so don't worry about showing up late or being new or rusty; everyone is really nice and we have a great time. If you have any questions such as "WTF is this drabble night you keep going on about?", "Where is chat and how to get in?" or even, "You are still sick, shouldn't you be resting?" Feel free to ask below. :D In answer to the last one though, I am resting. I'm in bed with my laptop! *tries to look innocent*

Anyone up for a random drabble night? - Reminder

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We officially start in just over an hour, but feel free to show up either early or late as your schedule permits. We already have three participants in chat and we have been told to expect two more, but the more the merrier! :D Remember: Drabble night usually runs for at least three hours, though on one memorable occasion we pulled off 13. Don't just assume you are too late to join in, take a peek, you might luck out and we will still be at it! :D Don't worry if you need to beg off after a bit either, we are really casual and as drabble night goes in rounds it s very easy to jump in or out as needed.

Glomp! Rated G, Chibi Snupin Art

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Title: Glomp

Glomp )

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