The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 23rd, 2012

February 23rd, 2012

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A couple of recs


Severus at his Slytherin best and Remus learns to be careful what he wishes for…the title says it all You Asked For It by miss_e at severus_sighs antivalentine fest



And at hp_prisonerfest and unknown author


Severus does the things both right and wrong (Lucius watches)…..warning it's dub-con (and I'm generally not a fan) but this was really nicely done.. here

Mod Post: Community Moderation, Remus' Birthday, Check other L_S comms

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LiveJournal keeps re-setting the community moderation status to a setting that requires posting approval if you have links to unapproved sites. It's meant for spam protection, however, we've never had any problems with spam posts that I didn't quickly banhammer hard. I've opened a support request to, I hope, stop the random re-setting. In the meantime, if you ever receive notice that your post has been moderated, rest assured that someone will approve it as quickly as possible. (Nice of LJ to be spazzing out during our daily posting month!)

Remus' birthday is March 10! The day will be, as always, thrown open for posting of all things Remus, so be thinking about what you want to do to honour of our favourite werewolf. Also, of course, you're welcome to post for Remus' birthday all month long in March if you have something extended in mind. I don't have a solid March challenge in mind yet - might be music if I don't get a better idea. ^_^

Be sure to check out Lupin_Snape on InsaneJournal, LiveJournal, and Dreamwidth for Love/Not Love posts. I'm not going to link you here - check out the side bars for links, including syndication feeds of the other communities (although I've never figured out how to make one for DreamWidth). If anyone would like to compile the Love/Not Love master list for the month, please drop me a note in the mod mail. Thanks!

Keep up the great posting and don't forget to comment, everyone. We have some members making rare appearances for the challenge this week - be sure to let them know you're viewing their work!

love, lore
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