The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 7th, 2012

February 7th, 2012

ART: Love? Not Love? rated G

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For the Love or Not Love Feb Challenge

Title: Love? Not Love?
Artist: karasu_hime
Rating: G
Challenge: Love/Not Love
Warnings: none
Crosspostings: Lupin_snape on livejournal

Love? Not Love? )

Drabble/Drawable Night Announcements

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I'm going to run two drabble/drawable nights this month. The first will be tomorrow at 12 P.M. PST (4 P.M EST). The second I am holding the last weekend of the month, most likely Saturday. Remember: Artists are welcome to join and drawable along with us, you don't have to fill every prompt and you can take longer than the ten minutes the drabblers allot themselves (in theory anyway, extensions aren't too rare...) Half an hour per drawing or even more is perfectly fine, the point is to practice getting something down quickly, even if it is just a sketch. I'll throw up a reminder about an hour before show time, don't be shy about wandering in late, we will probably be at it for several hours :D
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