The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 2nd, 2012

January 2nd, 2012

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Snupin Santa!

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I want to extend my sincere thank you to [info]westernredcedar and all her talented elves for taking on Snupin Santa this year and making it such a wonderful experience for all of the participants and readers/viewers. Your hard work is very much appreciated! The boys really enjoy this special time of year... ;D

Remus slipped into bed beside Severus whose nose was buried in a journal and attempted to hand him a sheaf of papers... )

FIC: Lustful Persuasions #2

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TITLE: Lustful Persuasions
AUTHOR: Wolfie (or Bagoas Alexandros if you prefer)

SUMMARY: Set during the Napoleonic Era, Sir Severus Snape and Lord Remus Lupin give into their attraction in a time when being in love and two men was a capital crime. Romance, balls, betrayal, gossip, the Frost Fair of 1815 and Waterloo...they survive it all, but will their love?

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction, using the character of JK Rowling's Harry Potter books without permission or intent of infringement. The universe is alternative, set in historical time. Please do not publish prior to gaining fan fiction author's permission and do not read if you are considered a minor in your country of residence.

RATING: R for adult sexual and violent content

Part Two
Part One
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