The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 10th, 2011

December 10th, 2011

Story: “Sharing With the Dunderhead”, for starstruck86

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Sharing With the Dunderhead, for starstruck86

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Severus has always been open to the idea of a threesome, with the right person. But how does he feel when Remus decides the 'right person' is Ronald Weasley?

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC-17)

Warnings: PWP, threesome

Pairings: Remus/Severus/Ron

Notes: To Starstruck1986: Thank you for this wonderful prompt. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Also thanks to S for the beta and to my wonderful cheerleaders!

Word Count: 3,880

Story: “Dancing in the Moonlight”, for nepenth

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Dancing in the Moonlight, for nepenth

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Severus observes the mating rituals of Lupin's pack, and gets much more than he expected.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC-17)

Warnings: mpreg

Notes: Prompts: a combination of “Mpreg or Gender swap – your choice” and “Post-war (obviously AU since they are living)- Lupin now leads the British Werewolf Pack. Snape has to (begrudgingly) help with potions/healing for his “sins” as decreed by the Ministry. Werewolf politics, mpreg would be awesome but not necessary. Super Bonus if the werewolf pack actually *likes* Snape before Lupin even does and tries to set the two of them up. (Teddy being in the story is at writer’s discretion.)” I did my best to incorporate most of your wishes and hope you enjoy the results. Happy Christmas!

Word Count: 7,410

The Dunderhead's Miracle 10/? [PG] (RL/SS: HP/DM)

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The Dunderhead’s Miracle 10

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape; Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy; Kreacher; Lucius/Narcissa Malfoy
Summary: Rebuilding means forging new relationships…and rediscovering old ones. During the first Voldemort-free Christmas hols, two couples—one brand new, the other separated by time and distance—discover the joys of giving and receiving.
Challenge: [info]adventdrabbles 2011: Day 10 ~ Fur
Word Count: 961
Genre: Alternate Universe; EWE; Post-Second Voldemort War; Romance; Angst; Humor
Warnings: Original characters; Deathly Hallows, what Deathly Hallows?
A/N: Hm, a mystery and a romantic memory? Hee, hee, hee! What will I come up with next?

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
Day 8 | Day 9

Remus seems to have a furry problem and Harry overcomes a thorny one. All in a day’s romance.
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