The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 9th, 2011

November 9th, 2011

Art: To Touch You Once Again; NC-17

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I did two pieces of artwork for the LJ Fest Samhain Smut. The first of those was Snape/Lupin. So, now that the reveals have been done, I posted both pieces on my journal, and I thought I'd put a link here in case anyone was interested in taking a look. :D

Title: To Touch You Once Again
Artist: [info]shadowycat
Prompt: # 32: Halloween Night is the one night of the year that the dead can come back, but only for 24 hours. Someone is in the right place and time each year, every year to be with their lost lover.
Medium: Pencil on Paper
Pairing: Severus Snape/ Remus Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Because the afterlife is intangible...

To Touch You Once Again
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