The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 19th, 2011

October 19th, 2011

Snupin Santa Reminders!

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Hello Snusers!

DEADLINES! This is a friendly mod reminder that the deadline for first-time participants is November 1, in 12 days time! Thank you several of you who have already sent in your finished work (wow! early!), and I cannot wait for the rest of the pieces to come in.

Return participants, you have until November 15, but that deadline is starting to loom around the corner, too! :)

BETAS! I have had a few people contact me looking for a beta. If you are willing to be a go-to beta for me to point folks towards as a possibility, drop a comment here or email me at snupin_santa @ Also, folks looking for a beta should start with a post to the community. You will usually find a wonderful beta volunteer that way!

Have fun! I can't wait for the Snusing to begin!
*hug* westernredcedar

FIC: Romancing the Wolf Part 3

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TITLE:Romancing the Wolf
AUTHOR: Wolfie
SUMMARY: Severus has a new sideline job writing lurid romance novels for the gay wizard community. He's also starting to romance a certain werewolf. Is it coincidence that Remus is similar to the characters in the books?
Rating: R rated at the very least.
Warnings: frottage, actual sex, oral and sneaky Slytherin tactics

Part 3

Catch up the rest!

Part 2
Part 1

Three chat fics to make you laugh [G; PG13; G]

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Le Chat Slytherine

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: G
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: Even the Heads of Hogwarts Houses get testy.
Challenge: none
Word Count: 280
Genre: Alternate Universe; Romance; Humor
Warnings: uber-cuteness?
A/N: [info]lupin_snape chat fic for [info]snapealina from this past weekend.Work has been a bear, and in order to blunt its teeth, I polished my three offerings that had folks grinning a bit.

Severus Snape purred? Really?


Swoon Lake

As the participants of [info]lupin_snape chat came to call it!

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Summary: Severus and Remus will do anything for Teddy.
Challenge: none
Word Count: 240
Genre: Alternate Universe; Family Time; Humor
Warnings: Pure, unmitigated Schmoop
A/N: Distraction chat fic for Rhith. I’m glad I, and Wolfie and Shadowycat, could help ease your night a bit. Edited a bit to make better sense…maybe. Please visit Shadowycat’s Swoon Lake, where I got my own title. I’m so glad I inspired such art! Severus is such a…well, you should read the story, hm?

Severus and Remus will go to any lengths to make Teddy happy. And if Severus gets to show off his legs, who are we to quibble?


Sailing Away

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: G
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: There are strange doings at the Lupin house…and they can be blamed on a Weasley!
Challenge: none
Word Count: 160
Genre: Alternate Universe; Romance; Pre-slash; Humor
Warnings: Don’t drink anything you can snort?
A/N: The third and final Lupin_Snape chat fic from Sunday night’s romp. Many thanks to everyone for indulging my love of extempore writing. Now, all Wolfie and I need are pictures of Severus in that hat!

Sailing, sailing, over the briny sea...A Snape in a boat, a wolf on deck...

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