The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 17th, 2011

October 17th, 2011

quick beta

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Does anyone have a few free minutes to beta a short piece (approx 800 words)?  It's for  Fabledtruant's art piece 'chin' at BLU.  Please and thank you!

Fic: The Inheritance; R (7/24)

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Title: The Inheritance

Author: [info]shadowycat

Rating: R

Cast of characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Filius Flitwick, Minerva McGonagall, Hermione Granger, Percy Weasley, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter, Nymphadora Tonks.

Warnings: OCs, AU, First Person POV

Summary: Things hadn’t gone well for Remus Lupin since the end of the war, so he didn’t think he could afford to pass up an unexpected inheritance from someone he’d never met. Of course it turned out there were a few strings attached, including having to share his surprise windfall with Severus Snape. Not that Snape was particularly happy about that...

Disclaimer: The recognizable characters and settings in this story do not belong to me. No monetary gain is sought... just amusement.

Notes: I decided to be generous this time around and allow everyone to survive the war which, even if I hadn’t fudged around with a few other small things, would be more than enough to make this story AU.

The story is complete but, because it’s fairly long, it’ll be posted at a rate of two or three chapters a week.

Many thanks to Dizilla/Diana Moon for her excellent help as beta. It’s much appreciated. Any remaining errors are mine and mine alone.

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Art: Swoon Lake; PG

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So, last night in chat, [info]bonfoi, mistress of improvisation, made up a little drabble about Severus and Remus performing a ballet for Teddy. Pure silliness of the best kind. Her drabble sparked a strong image in my mind, and today I found I couldn't get on with what I needed to do until I put that image down on paper. So I decided to share it... hope that's okay. :D

So here goes...

Title: Swoon Lake
Medium: Ink on paper
Rating: PG
Silliness Quotient: Extremely high ;D

Swoon Lake )

FIC: Romancing the Wolf Part 1

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TITLE:Romancing the Wolf
AUTHOR: Wolfie
SUMMARY: Severus has a new sideline job writing lurid romance novels for the gay wizard community. He's also starting to romance a certain werewolf. Is it coincidence that Remus is similar to the characters in the books?
DISCLAIMER: All hail the mighty Jo, without whom we would have to find someone else's characters to play with who might not be as much fun. I'm not getting paid for this, so you can't get blood, or money, from a turnip. Fan fiction is the sincerest form of flattery. Please don't sue me.
Rating: R rated at the very least.
Warnings: frottage, actual sex, oral and sneaky Slytherin tactics
Author's Notes: Thanks to the lovely ladies on the Slytherin chat last night: lore, azurerosa, bonfoi, midlagedfan, shadowycat and tossukka. Ya'll are AWESOMESAUCE! Story is unbetaed, as usual. So if you find something that needs tweaking, note it in comments. Just don't flame me. I dance around the flames in a bacchanalian manner that isn't pretty.

Part One
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